Meeting the boys

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Y/n POV-
*you got all your friends and now are on the sandlot btw it's like 9:00 am* * also you guys only have 8 players no catcher *
*You hit it up and wheels catch's it a throws in to Ava who's at second *
*Your about to hit it to Hannah who's at third when a group of boys starts to walk over so you signal your team to walk up to them and meet them half way*
The boys POV -
Benny- Guys come on we gotta go to sandlot before someone else gets there
Ham- real funny Benny like there will just be a random group of guys who found the sandlot
Yeah yeah - yeah yeah Benny chill it's only 9:25
Benny - whatever let's just go
* They get to the sandlot and see your team there playing softball when you guys notice them and start walking over to them*
Ham - well I was wrong it's not guys but girls
Smalls - what are they doing playing with Barbies
*Everyone laughs a little*
*Your team and the boys POV*
Ally- um who are you guys
DeNunez- no who are you people this is are field
Nyla- I don't see your name written on it
Benny- what are you doing anyway playing with Barbies
Y/n - haha so funny no we're in the middle of playing softball so you can leave now bye bye
Yeah yeah - umm no how about you guys leave this is are field
Maddie- what is so wrong with us just playing softball let us finish then y'all can play geez
Squints- but girls are supposed to watch boys play and don't you girls like makeup and dolls
Wheels- um no that stuff is so stupid literally no one likes that stuff
Smalls - can y'all jus leave so we can play
Paige- NO we were here first so you guys leave should have come here before we did
Benny- told y'all we should have gotten here faster
Ham - shut up Benny
Ham- softball is not even a real sport anyone and catch it and anyone can hit it
Yeah yeah - yeah yeah even my little sister could hit it
*All the boys laugh*
Ham- I could hit it with my eyes close
* all the boys laugh again *
Y/n I bet you couldn't hit it from a mile away
Ham- what did you say
Y/n - you heard me I said I bet you could not hit it from a mile away
Y/n - here I will make a deal if you can hit it we will leave and y'all can have the field but if you can't hit it then y'all leave and we get to stay
*Ham looks at the boys and they nod*
Y/n - deal?
Ham- deal
Ally- wait y/n we don't have a catcher
Ava- I can catch for her
Y/n -see problem solved
*Ham grabs a bat while you go to the mound and Ava goes behind the plate*
Ava- don't blink
* you pitch it softball style and ham blinks and complete misses the ball*
*Ava catch's it and all the boys are in shock*
*Ava shows him the ball and throw it back to you*

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