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Ham*yawns*- what are you guys doing
Benny- just chilling
Paige- ya just waiting for you guys to wake up
✨time skip cause I'm lazy✨
*Everyone but squints is up so you all decide to prank him*
Ham has a air horn in his hand and Paige has a glass of water you are videoing
Benny* whispers* 3..2..1 NOW
Ham blows the horn and wakes squint up squint screams and Paige dumps the water on him and he screams again while everyone is laughing there ass off
Squints- NOT funny guys
Ava- actually very funny
Wheels- ya very very funny
Squints - man I hate y'all
Ham- YALL 🤣🤣 what are you a cowboy
Y/n- nah you love us
Benny- oh man that was funny but we gotta head over to sandlot
Tommy- why so early
Timmy- why so early
Benny - cause
Bertram- ugh all day it's the same at least let us get ready
Benny- ya well duh see y'all out there
Everyone- SHUT IT HAM
Ham- heheheh
✨TiMe SkIp✨
*you guys are playing your game same as always but then Benny has to randomly leave and like 5 minutes later so did Paige ofc you and yeah yeah knew why but the others did not*
Maddie- That's weird
Nyla- I thought baseball was his "whole life"
Ham- I thought that too and why did Paige leave
Y/n- she's probably tired
Yeah yeah - yeah yeah probably stayed up to late
Squints- huh whatever
*Ham whispers to yeah yeah- awww backing up your little girl friend
Yeah yeah- shut up
Hannah- you know what I just remembered
Everyone- what
Hannah- we never got are softball like we won
Squint - oh right oh well
Hannah- no no no you made a deal
Squints- fine whatever I bring it tomorrow
Hannah- no
Squints- no?
Hannah- give it to us now
Squints- really
Hannah - yes really go get it
Squints - ugh fine will someone come with me
wheels whisper- what are you doing
Aly whispers back- this is your chance girl
Wheels- your right UMM YA I WILL GO
Squints to him self -yesss
*They leave get the ball come back bla bla*
Squints - here *gives it to Hannah*
Ham- well I gotta head out my parents are taking me to the movies bye guys
Everyone- bye
Nyla- my grandma is in town I should probably go see her
Maddie - I gotta go babysit
Y/n- ok does everyone have plans
Everyone- yup
Squints- Nope... uh oh nvm
Wheels - I don't... oh
Squint - well wheels you wanna hang out
Wheels - sure
Aly- ooooo told you it was a good idea to go with him
*Wheels just smiles*
Y/n- alright so see you guys tomorrow
Everyone-yup byeeee
*just you and yeah yeah now*
Yeah yeah - date time yay
Y/n - ya let me just drop my stuff at my house
Yeah yeah - yeah yeah same how about meet at that lamp post in front of Benny's house in 5-10 minutes
Y/n- Ok! Sounds good

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