Wendy and the pool

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*Squints and yeah yeah get the ball and walk over to sandlot *
Yeah yeah- hey let me see it
Squints- no I bought it.....*he starts starring
Yeah yeah- what you starring at *then he sees Wendy peppercorn
Squints- it's Wendy peppercorn 🤤
Yeah yeah - she's not even that good looking
Squints - shut up
Yeah yeah- let's just go to the sandlot
Squints- wait no wait
*they go to the sandlot but you and your team is not there *
Benny- were you been we been waiting forever
Yeah yeah - sorry squints was to busy day dreaming over someone
Squints- shut up no I wasn't
Yeah yeah- yeah yeah you were your head was out and you were swaying completely blanked out
Squints- shut up I got a lot on my mind
Yeah yeah- were is Y/n .....and her team!
*Ham gives yeah yeah and look like😏*
Squints *whispers* -that was close
Yeah yeah - shut up
Benny- I don't know probably at home or complaining it's to hot
*Mads, Paige and wheels go over to them * * btw there at the sandlot *
Mads- hey we can't play today doing something else ok bye
Benny- wait what you mean
Paige- oh well we're all going to the pool
Wheels- ya also Y/n is one of the life guard's there and without her pitching we got no pitcher
Mads- ya and it's CRAZY HOT OUTSIDE so can we hurry this up so we can get to the pool
Benny- ok see y'all tomorrow
Wheels- no tomorrow we are playing against Phillips 🙄
Paige- y'all should come
Mads- oh also ham can you catch for us tomorrow we have no catcher besides Ava but we need her at second
Ham- ya sure whatever
Benny- then who will catch for us
Mads- OMG look we will play the game real quick case we're going to win ovi then you guys can have the sandlot the rest of the day deal
Benny- ya sure deal whatever
*they leave for the pool*
Ham- Benny it's 900 hundred degrees you can't play base ball
All the guys- ya it's to hot
Benny- fine fine fine what do you want to do
Yeah yeah- we could go to the pool
Everyone- yaa
Benny- let me guess you want to go to the pool case of Y/n
Yeah yeah- n..no it's just really hot outside
Smalls- dude we all know you like them
Yeah yeah - really it's that obvious
DeNunez- clearly not case she has no idea you like her back
Bertram- ya girls are completely clueless like Benny likes Paige but she can't see that
Benny- DUDE
Timmy- ya that was a no brainer
Tommy- ya  a no brainer
DeNunez- face it all of us like one of them
Ham- no me
Everyone- clearly
Smalls-Wait DeNunez who do you like
DeNunez - none your business who do you like Smalls
Smalls- that for me to know and you to guess
Ham- DeNunez let me guess you like Nala
DeNunez- how did you know
Ham- one you just told me a two you always look at her and Smalls we all know you like wheels
Benny - ya you talked about her the whole time over here about how fast she was and stuff
Squints- ya ya whatever can we just go to the pool now
Benny- ya I guess
*they go to the pool  bla bla*
*Yeah yeah sees you talking to Wendy and she's up in the lifeguard tower but comes down and you climb up there and keep talking to her*
Ham- don't stare dude or she will find out you like her
*yeah yeah quickly looks away blushing*
*pretend like there are two life guard towers one at the middle and one at the deep end Wendy was at the deep end and you were in the middle*
*The girls were already in the pool splashing each other swimming all that stuff when the boys jump in and splash them then they have a water fight but soon spot when squints sees Wendy*
Squints- wow
Yeah yeah- omg *he rolls his eyes and looks away and Benny does the same *
Squints -I've been coming here every summer of my adult life, and every summer there she is oiling and lotioning, lotioning and oiling... smiling. I can't take this no more!
*squints goes to the deep end *
DeNunez- what is he doing
Yeah yeah- I don't know but squints can't swim
*squints goes to the diving board waves and Wendy and jumps in*
All the guys- NO * they start run over there *
*Wendy sees and dives in after squints *
*All the girls are confused so they go see what's happening *
*You also get down from your post and go over there*
*Everyone is looking down at Wendy and squints*
*Wendy does CPR and squints wakes up then kisses her*
*she grabs him and drags him out of the pool while the guys run after him*
Ham- did you plan that
Squints- of course I did I have been planning it my whole life
Y/n and the girls POV-
Y/n- Wendy are you ok that was dirty what he did
Wendy- ya I'm fine
Mads- oh I'm going to beat the crap at of him
Nala- mhm same he better sleep with one eye open
Wendy- guys it's fine I'm for real I kinda liked him
Paige- girl he's like 6 YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU
Wendy- ya so
Paige- oh my gosh
Y/n - ok my shifts over let's just go guys
Everyone- ya sounds good
Ava- ya we got the game against Phillips tomorrow
*To be continued *
*I need ideas for how the game should go*

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