The truth about Phillips

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*you guys were just playing some ball when Phillips and his friends ride over to the sandlot*
Ham- oh great is Phillips
*all the boys roll there eyes and they start to walk over to them*
* You are your team are confused cause you guys never actually talk to him but you kinda thought he was cute so you walk over with them and your team follows *
Phillips- wow you guys finally saw saw how bad you are so you got your sisters to play instead
Ham - shut your mouth Phillips
Phillips- what you say crap face
*you and your team finally get over there and Phillips was about to say something when he caught eye contact with you*
Phillips- wow your really pretty
Y/n -*you blush a little and smile but quickly stop and hide the smile*
*yeah yeah gets jealous and mad* * Benny noticed and speaks up*
Benny- what do you want Phillips
Phillips- just wanted to see if you were willing to face me and my team
Ham - why would we play against you
Phillips- oh please your to scared to play us
*Ham gets a little to made and screams*
* you and your team have a shocked face and get mad*
Ava- what did you say 😡😡
Ham- I....I ..
Wheels- oh no you did not
Y/n - really Ham what's that supposed to mean huh
Ham *is scared and just keeps quiet*
Wheels- last time I checked us "GiRlS" were kicking your but in the game
Phillips- HA your losing to a bunch of girls
Ava- I bet we could beat your team any day
Phillips- what did you say
Ava- I said we is "bunch of girls" could kick your ass in a game of ball
Phillips- oh it's on are field Friday at noon we will see who is really better
*it's Wednesday btw*
Nala- your on catholic school girl
*all the girls laugh*
Phillips- what did you call me 😡
Nala- I said you look like a catholic school girl
Aly - that should be a compliment to you
Paige- ya who you trying I look like Barbie
*all the girls laugh agin*
Phillips- uh... uh ... whatever see you Friday you going down
Y/n - ya right see you Friday 🙄
*you turn to face ham*
*you smack him in the back of the head*
Ham- owww what was that for
Y/n - are you kidding me "YoU pLaY bAlL lIkE a GiRl" what hell is that supposed to mean
Wheels- ya ham that was not cool
Ham- sorry I guess
Maddie- 🙄 whatever we have to go anyway
Paige - oh ya almost forgot
Ava- come on guys
*you all get your things and start to walk away *
Benny- wait wait wait were are you guys going we're still playing the game
Paige - well the fact that we are winning by 10 I think we will take the win
Hannah- ya also we have to go to the carnival
Y/n - mhm Smalls come on
Smalls- ok coming hang on * he grabs his glove and runs over to you guys*
Yeah yeah - Smalls were you going
Smalls- oh y/n has to watch me so I thought I just go to the carnival with them
Y/n - yeah come on let's go before it closes
Squints- well if you all are going then I guess we should all just go
Yeah yeah - yeah yeah it be fun
Wheels- I mean I don't see why not
Mads- omg yeah they can come just hurry uppppp

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