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Little recap you , yeah yeah, Benny, and Paige are out on a walk while everyone is still asleep
Paige- you know I hate the mornings but I wake up every day to see a sunrise like that
Yeah yeah- yeah
Benny- so what's the plan for today
Y/n- same as always I guess
Benny- oh we may have to cut the game a little short
Y/n- whyyyyy
Paige- well you know people get busy
Yeah yeah stops and his eyes open wide- YOU TWO ARE GOING ON A DATE
Benny- WHAT.... n-no way man haha
Paige- yeah def not 🫣
Y/n- hahaaa Paige Paige Paige never thought you be into all that lovey dovey stuff
Paige- of hush I know you and yeah yeah are going on a date
Yeah yeah and Y/n- HOW
Y/n- I uh I mean whaaaa
Benny- don't try we heard you to
Yeah yeah- oh
Paige- ooooo we should do a double date
Y/n- depends were you guys going
Benny and Paige - ice cream
Paige- you
Y/n and yeah yeah- same
Benny- sweet I'm down yeah yeah?
Yeah yeah - yeah that's cool
Y/n- yayyyy we're not going to tell the team just yet right
Benny and yeah yeah - DEFINITELY NOT
Yeah yeah - yeah they tease us to death
Paige- true
Benny - oh never got to ask how was that game with Phillips team
Y/n and Paige- we won buy a lot
Y/n and Paige- jinx haha
Yeah yeah - speak of the devil look ahead
*Phillips and like two of his friends ridding to you guys*
Benny- hey man what you want
Phillips- relax dude just want to talk to y/n
Y/n- what do you want
Phillips- jeez no need to be rude
Yeah yeah - watch it man
Phillips-😒🙄 just wanted to say sorry for being a jerk turns out you and your team of girls can play
Y/n- oh well thanks
Phillips- ya no problem 🙃
Y/n- we'll see you around
*Phillips and his friends ride away *
Y/n- being sorry my ass
Paige- BAHAHAHA dude-
Y/n- what
Yeah yeah - he needs to stop making goo goo eyes at you
Benny - ha man your jealous
Yeah yeah- what uh- no ya- kinda what ever man let's just go back people probably waking up
Paige- awwwww he really is jealous
Yeah yeah - I hate you guys
Y/n- hey
Yeah yeah- not you them
*Benny and Paige high five and laugh*
*you all head back and got back just before ham woke up *

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