So its a date?

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What happened that night but ima speed it up a bit
I told them how my mom is always working so when we moved here and I loved it I begged her to stay and she met Me.Martel and he basically raised me I guess
Ham- I want to know how you know Tony stark he like sponsors all the spider man comic's
Y/n- oh ya my mom works with him
*All the guys start talking at once asking questions*
Y/n- bah bla bah shut it let's just go to bed
Paige- BED!?!??!! It's only 2:16 am........
Paige- oh eh what ever night humans
*everyone -night*

Time skipppppp - it's know 5:30 am
Y/n pov- I wake up cause someone's hand hits me in the face I'm not sure who but when I find out oooo they gonna get ittt, I look out my window and see yeah yeah sitting in the roof watching the sunrise
Y/ns mind- awww how cute I should join him wait no that would scare him but y/n this is your chance to talk to him alone
Yeah yeahs pov- *this is all in his head*
I wake up cause HAM FRICKEN KICKED ME I was gonna hit back when I saw the sunrise and man it was gorgeous reminds me of y/n cause I every time I see them I smile (stfu I know it's cheesy but idc he's 14 leave him alone) I look at everyone and there all still asleep so I just climb out onto the roof and watch the sunrise then I here someone else come out onto the roof I look to see who it was and ITS Y/N YESSS KNOWS YOUR CHANCE YEAH YEAH MAKE A MOVE
Y/n- hey didn't know you wake up this early
Yeah yeah- oh I usually don't but Ham kicked me
Y/n- *laughs a little* ya Paige hit me so here I am..... oh I can leave you alone if you like
Yeah yeah- oh no you can join me I-if you want to
Y/n- *😊* I love to
Yeah yeah I'm his mind- I MADE HER SMILE YESSSS
Y/n- gorgeous sunrise huh
Yeah yeah- not as pretty as you..... oh shoot I said that out load didn't I
Y/n- *you laugh some * ya but thanks your kinda cute to
Yeah yeah- * I feel my face burn up I WAS BLUSHING OH SHOOT I quickly turn back to the sunrise so she did not see me blush*
Y/n- *he's blushing oh my goodness he looks so cute right now * * I realized I was staring at him for to long cause he looks back and WE MADE EYE CONTACT AND JUST HELD EYE CONTACT *
Yeah yeah- soooo uh i um I was uh wondering if your not busy which you probably are cays you got lots of friends and your nice funny and pretty i..I'll just get to the point you wanna idk get maybe icecream tomorrow afternoon *in his head- omg good job yeah yeah you sounded like a fool ofc she's not going to want to hang out with you
Y/n- ya sure that sounds fun * in your head - HE ASK ME OUT all I felt was fire workers in my stomach I am so happy right now
Yeah yeah - YES oh I mean ya cool
Yeah yeah- so it's a date
Y/n- *your just smiling your cute head off* ya it's a date
*you two watch as the sun finally rises and yeah yeah slides his hand over and holds your hand your ovi hold his hand cause ya and you two just hold hands for like 2 minutes till Paige comes*
*she scares the absolute sh** out of you and yeah yeah *
Y/n- jeez Paige you almost gave me a heart attack
Paige- ahhh don't worry I'm sure yeah yeah would save you
Paige- anyway me and Benny are going for a walk wanna come
Yeah yeah- what about everyone else
Paige- there still asleep so we're taking this chance to get some peace and quiet
*you and yeah yeah start to climb back in he jumps in first then helps you in*
Y/n- yeah right like there's any quiet with you and thank you sir
Yeah yeah- yes ma'am
*Paige starts smirking at you *
You whisper yell don't start
Paige- I did not say anything
Benny- not to be rude but are gonna go for this walk before everyone wakes up
Y/n- oh ya let's go

*Authors note here hope you are liking the book the next chapter is probably gonna be short cause it's just going to be the walk with you, yeah yeah, Paige and Benny but after that chapter I could really use some help coming up with ideas*
Love you allll ❤️💛💛💛

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