Oooo there in loveeee

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Paige-....right ok so we're going to play a little game I like called spin the bottle
Aly- NO remember last time we played that
Paige- chill out Aly just a joke we're going to play 7 minutes in heaven
Mads- uh girlll you really trying to get relationships started
Small- sorry to interrupt but what's 7 minutes in heaven
Y/n- Paige don't he's to young to have his sweet little mind destroyed
Paige- chill out girl I won't make him go though that
Hannah- that what you said about Wheels and look where we are
Wheels- still scared Paige still sacred
Paige- Heyyy that was not all my fault
Aly- true we kinda all said some bad things
Benny- I sorry to interrupt but wth you guys talking about
All the girls- YOU DONT WANNA KNOW
Hannah- ......boy problems
Hannah- what it's true I mean Aly you think you like a guy but have no clue Paige and Y/n can't tell there crush they like them and everyone else is to scared to love
Y/n- MOVING ON why don't we just finish this game?
Paige- agreed ok so let's see seven minutes in heaven
Mads- or we could go outside and play some night ball!!!
All the girls- YESSS
Smalls- how will we see in the dark
Timmy- ya how
Tommy- ya how
Bertram- I mean I already can't see without my glasses
Nyla- that's the fun we don't actually play just mess around and do stupid things
Y/n- I mean we could also bring food
Ham- I'm in
Benny- sure why not
DeNunez- what do I have to lose sure
Tommy- ok
*everyone agrees y'all grab some food bla bla *
Ava- wait how will we sneak past y/n grandpa
*you and Paige look at each other a smirk then nod*
Paige- y'all ever read the comic Spider-Man?
Ham- ya duhh who hasn't
Smalls- I haven't
Everyone- WHAT come on man
Ham- your killing me Smalls
Y/n- whatever shut up and come on
*you open the window in room and jump out on to the roof under the window then jump down onto a car them jump to the ground *
*Paige does the same but ends in a Spider-Man pose
Y/n- such a poser
Paige- says you
Y/n- ya says me
Paige- whatever just get the beast
Y/n- wHaTeVeR jUsT gEt ThE bEaSt
Paige- Y/N
Y/n- hehehehhe fine fine
*You runner over and see the beast it asleep *
Y/n - all good
*when you run back over you see all the girls have hoped down and now are just waiting for the guys *
The girls- SHHHH
Mads- sorry
Mads- come onnnnn
Benny- wth we live once
*Half the guys get down now it's just yeah yeah ,Smalls and ham left you jump down*
Smalls- uhh I don't know guys
Ham- don't be a chicken *ham hopes out and comes down *
Yeah yeah- Jesus take the wheel *he jumps out and comes down*
Smalls- uhhhh you guys go I will stay
Wheels- Omg *she climbs back up grabs Smalls hand and helps him down*
Paige- awww such a good girlfriend
*Everyone laughs and Smalls turns bright red*
Wheels- PAIGE *she causes Paige*
Paige- OH SHIT *she hopes the fence so does wheels and keeps chasing Paige *
Y/n- Hahah this is going to be a long night *you jump the fence and so do the girls*
Squints- what kind of girls jump the fence
Yeah yeah- yeah yeah but they look cool mostly y/n
Ham- omg will you stop with the lovey dovey eyes and just hope the fence
Yeah yeah- yeah yeah whatever
*all the guys hop the fence *
Hannah- finally we have been waiting forever let's go to the lake
Bertram- AT NIGHT
Aly- your not scared are you
DeNunez- we're not scared just making sure your ok with it
Nyla- it was are idea
Timmy- ya so
Tommy- ya so
Ava- whatever let's just go
*You guys go to a lake and just mess around *
Paige - race you down to the dock
Y/n- your on
*you guys run down to the dock*
Y/n- HA I win
Paige- whatever *she trips you a little*
Y/n- really *you push her into the lake*
Y/n- HA
*Everyone runs down to the dock*
Y/n- relax Paige is one of the best swimmers I have seen
Hannah- ya chill
Benny- she's still not coming up it's been like 2 minutes
Y/n - ok that's not normal
* Benny was about to jump it when you see Paige swim up*
Y/n- wait wait
Paige- Haha yes it was*she gets out*
Everyone- WHAT
*Paige looks at her shoes and she's they were soaking wet*
Benny- really you almost died and you care about your shoes
Paige- yeah man these are my favorites red ones
Y/n- it's ok Paige's we'll get you new ones
Paige- yeah right like you got 10$ lying around your house
Y/n- wellll my uncle does
Paige- ya and when you going to see him he lives in NEW YORK
Y/n- Surprise
Y/n- yup
*you realize *
Everyone just starts running
Benny- why are we running
Aly- her uncle is going to kill us
Mad- ya he said no more sneaking out
Y/n- just shut up and run
*you guys get back and climb back up to your room *
Paige- ok I think we made it
Uncle- hey kiddo
Y/n- uncle....

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