Playing together or aginst

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Ham - TIME OUT TIME OUT * walks over to the boys*
* Ava runs up to you a you two laugh and start talking *
Benny- dude you didn't even swing
Ham- ya ummm I kinda blinked
*Yeah yeah starts laughing *
Tommy- I think that underhand pitching is not allowed
Timmy- ya it's not allowed
Ham - HEY you can't pitch underhand it's not allowed
Y/n -yes it it 100% fair also it's allowed in any game and it's legal
Ham- oh ok thanks I guess
*Squints smacks his hand on it face*
*You and Ava are giggling and saying how you will get three strikes in no time
Benny- ok you know what give me the bat I'm going up
Y/n - what are you doing?
Yeah yeah *yells*- he's trading in it allowed and totally legal
Ava- whatever you will strike him out anyway
Y/n - true
* You pitch and he fouls it off then that happens over and over agin till you accidentally pitch it and it hits him right in the arm*
Benny - owww dude what the hell
Y/n- oops sorry did not mean to do that
Ava- if you can't hit does that mean that you forfeit?
Benny- NO yeah yeah come switch in and hit
* yeah yeah runs over and switches with him*
* You tell to Paige who is like a team nurse to go help Benny and she does*
Paige - can I see we're the ball hit
*Benny shows her and she just sees a red mark*
Paige- your all good just need a ice pack lucky for you I always have one on me
*she runs over gets the ice and gives it the Benny*
Benny- thanks
Paige - no problem
Y/n - will you guys stop flirting so we can just get back to the game
*Benny and Paige both blush a little then run to opposite dugouts*
* you pitch it and yeah yeah fouls it off and that happens over and over again *
Maddie- Y/n can we just finish tomorrow it's getting late
Smalls- yeah yeah she's right we can just come back before they do tomorrow and it will all be over
* you and yeah yeah both say no and keeps going on with pitching and hitting *
Then one pitch you slip a little which slows the pitch down and yeah yeah sacks it right back at you thinking you will duck but you just catch it like nothing happen
* in yeah yeah head - wow that was hot she is kinda pretty *
Ham *yells- HA he hit it we win
Nala - no she caught it so he out so we win
DeNunez- no the deal was if he hit it we win
Nyla- ya but she caught it so it is not technically a hit so in that cause we win
Smalls- this is stupid can't we just share or at least play games against each other soon there will be no sun light to play in
* btw yeah yeah is like blanked out on his thoughts just think about you the catch and he is just staring at you*
Benny- Smalls is right can't we just play games against each other?
*The girls look at you*
Y/n- ummmm ugh ya sure whatever
All the boys *yell- sweet
*Yeah yeah snaps out of it when the boys yell*
Benny- anyway that is squints, Timmy, Tommy, DeNunez, Ham, Yeah yeah, Smalls and Bertram and I'm Benny
Y/n - that's Ally, Maddie you can call her mads that's Paige ,Nyla , Ava , Ava S you can call her wheels that's Hannah and I'm Y/n
*yeah yeah head - y/n that's a pretty name*

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