Yeah Yeah and Mertle

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(Sorry I was gone for so long ima be fr i completely forgot I wrote this but I'm back)
*recap yeah yeah, y/n, Paige and Benny are all going on there double date. Paige and Benny are already at the ice cream shop and yeah yeah is waiting for y/n outside*
Yeah yeah - oh my gosh what is taking her so longgggg
Mr Mertle - *walks outside to take the trash out and see yeah yeah just standing by the lamp post* oh hello it's Yeah yeah right?
Yeah yeah - uh yeah yeah that's right well my real name is Alan McClennan sir.
Mr mertle- well that's a fine name young man well I know you and y/n are hanging out so I won't hold you up but your welcome over any time Alan
Yeah yeah- Oh thank you sir
Mr Mertle- call me Mertle
Yeah yeah- oh thank you Mr Mertle
Y/n- okayyyy I'm ready to go now
Yeah yeah - oh hey about time
Y/n- oh shut up don't make me spend 5 more minutes fixing my hair
Yeah yeah - NO nono sorry you look amazing like always
Y/n- 🤭oh shut up
Yeah yeah- WHAT
Y/n- bye grandpa see you later
Mertle - bye kids have fun
Yeah yeah- I'll have her home before 9:30 sir
Mertle - ah no you won't you'll be back here by 9:30 and she will somehow be on the other side of town. So just get her back safe Alan
Yeah yeah-  yeah yeah you have my word sir uh ah I mean Mr mertle

(Hey guys I'm sorry for taking such a long break a lot of shit went down and I had a huge writers block but I'm back so let me know if you want me to continue this book or just end it)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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