Sleep over

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*Everyone was getting ice cream and when finish the girls decided to take a walk just cause 😁*
Hannah- we should a sleep over
Wheels- yassss
Paige- bet Y/n can we have it at your grandpas
Y/n- sure
*You guys get your things and start to head over then run into the guys *
Squints- oh hey guys
Wheels- hi bye
Benny- wait were are you all going in a hurry
Aly- why's is it so important to you
Benny- geez just asking a question
Paige- where just going to have a sleepover wanna come
Mads- PAIGE🙄
Paige- what??
*all the boys say ya sure whatever*
Y/n- cool now hurry up
*you guys get to your grandpas house*
Squints- why are we at Mr. Murtles house
Y/n- cause he's my grandpa
Y/n- ya what's what I just said
Yeah yeah- cool
*the guys look at him like 😐*
Yeah yeah - w-what I mean it's k-kinda cool
*you laugh a little which makes yeah yeah smile*
*time skip cause idk what to put 😁 you all are just hanging out in your room*
Nala- we should play truth or dare
*everyone agrees *
Paige- okkkk hmm Smalls truth or dare
Smalls- uhhh truth
Paige- what's the worst thing you have ever done
Smalls- I took a baseball signed by babe Ruth hit it over the fence and then broke the fence getting it back
Y/n- it was you that broke the fence
Smalls- technically it was Benny
Benny- no bro your the one who hit it over the fence
Smalls- whatever...wheels truth or dare
Wheels- truth
Smalls- do you like anyone??
Wheels- yes
Everyone- WHO
Wheels- no no he asked if I liked someone not who I like
*Everyone just rolls their eyes*
Wheels- Y/n truth or dare
Y/n- dare
Wheels- I dare you toooo go tell your grandpa Hercules got out
Y/n- bet
*you do that and come back laughing hard*
Paige- what's so funny
Y/n- ok so I told him and he freaked out then said "WHY YOU JUST STANDING THERE GO GET HIM" then he ran out the door and I ran after him saying it was a joke and he got mad
*Everyone laughs *
Y/n- ok let's seee yeah yeah truth or dare
Yeah yeah - uhhhh dare?
Y/n- I dare you to do kiss marry kill with the people in this room
*everyone goes oooo *
Paige- come on yeah yeah don't be a chicken
Yeah yeah - I'm not a chicken just thinking
Yeah yeah - well kill Paige sorry you just scare me
*Paige just death stares him*
Yeah yeah- uhh anyway kiss myself and marry Y/n
*you smile a little but try and hide it*
Aly- you can't kiss yourself
Yeah yeah- yeah yeah I can I'm in this room aren't I
*Aly just gives up*
Yeah yeah - ha anyway Benny truth or dare
Benny- truth I don't trust you with dare
Yeah yeah- whatever if you could kiss anyone in this room that's not you who would you kiss
Benny- uhh probably Paige
*Paiges smiles and blush's but hides it but you see and give her the look lol*
Paige- *whispers* shut up
*You giggle a little*
Nyla- I'm boreddddd let's do something else
Mads- bet let's do truth or dare are style
Wheels- yes but no way the guys can handle it
Tommy- yes we can
Timmy- yes we can
Hannah - ok but we did warn you
Aly- ok bet I go first ham truth or dare
Ham- dare?
Aly- Mk I dare you to go over to the beast and take the baseball he has
Aly- fine then you have to drink anything I pick
Ham- uhhh ok how does this game go
Nyla- you have to do the truth or dare or else you have to eat or drink whatever the person says
Smalls- what have we agreed to
Hannah- you have no idea
Aly- ok ham you have to drink soy sauce
Y/n- should we be nice and only make it shot size?
Mads- probably or they end up dead
*Aly leaves and comes back with the soy sauce and gives it to Ham*
Aly- drink up
*Ham hesitates for a second then drinks it and almost throws up but just gags *
*Everyone is laughing *
Ham- NOT funny
Ava- ya it actually was funny
Ham-🙄whatever my turn hmm Smalls truth or dare
Smalls- truth for sure
Ham- Is it true you like Aly
Smalls- umm maybe
Aly- huh sorry I was not paying attention did someone say my name
Smalls- SHHHHH shut up*putting his hands over Hams mouth
*Aly giggles a little*
Paige- y'all wanna do something stupid
Y/n- how stupid are we talking
Paige- well there's running from the cops stupid or falling in love stupid
Y/n- running from cops
Aly- no way falling in love stupid
Nyla- sorry y/n/n (your nickname) but ya I don't feel like running from the cops
Benny- yeah but like what kind of games do y'all play a sleepovers
Ava- you don't wanna know
Benny- hehe uh umm ok moving on
DeNunez- falling in love stupid *he laughs nervously * I don't know guys
Bertram- awww are you scared of love
DeNunez- WHAT no just making sure you all are ok with it
(The next part they will still be at the sleepover but I need to think about how stupid love can get with 12 and 13 year olds )
(And no there will be no spice seems there 13 gosh darn it)

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