Game against Phillips

761 9 0

*You meet up with your friends and start to go to Phillips and his friends field to play and ya you meet up with ham and get there *
Phillips- well hello ladies hopefully we don't beat you to bad
*his friends laugh and walk to their dugout *
Paige- "WeLl HeLlO lAdIeS" such a prick 🙄
Y/n- what ever let's just win this game a leave
*your team takes the field and you go to the mound while ham goes behind the plate and Phillips team goes to hit*
Ham-Hurry up batter. It's gotta be a short game, then I gotta get home for lunch
Ham- You know, if my dog was as ugly as you. I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backward
*The boy strikes out*
Ham- heater here comes the heater I dare you
Ham-Is that your sister out there in left field, naked? She's naked?
*Batter swings a misses*
Batter- shut up Porter
Ham- Hey, hey. I'm just trying to have a little friendly conversation
*three outs and your team goes up*
*you hit it and the guy and left field completely misses it so you get on third *
*Then wheels goes up and hits a double so you slid into home so you don't get out*
Paige- such a poser 🙄
*game goes on y'all win obvi*
Mads- BAHAHAHAH 20 to 5 and they said they would win
Aly-FR that was sad
Nyla- let's get ice cream
*everyone agrees*

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