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I'm going to say this now this will involve abuse and death so if you are uncomfortable please take your leave now

Tyler pov

I was at school hanging out with my friends (mei Priya Abby and miriam) we where all exsaided for the 4town concert happening this evening we all got back stage tickets 🎟 to make even better since the last time we want there was a huge panda attack,

School ended and we all agreed to meet at the concert it was going to be the beats, when I got home my dad and stepmom where home which was a surprise because my dad would usaly be at and and my stepmother would be out partying  or cheating on my dad,

BOY COME HEAR, I ran to the living room, y...yes sir, your mama been telling me you've been disrespectful what did I tell you about manners, SHE'S NOT MY MOM, MY ACUAL MOM IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU, I recreated to words right after I said them, dad I'm sorry I wasn't thinking, you weren't thinking a coward excuse, he stood up from the couch and slaped me in the face he took of his belt started hitting me with it it felt like hours befor he was done, after he just left for work and Brenda want to a party 🥳, ( sorry to those who are called Brenda it was just the name that came to mind)

I got up and want to my room got out the foundation I use to haid the scars and bruises, I got my Aaron Z  Jersey i made sure to have the ticket and the backstage pass once i made sure i had them i want on my way

Idk What To Name This (Aaronz X Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now