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Brenda pov

I was walking to the mall like I usually do to hang out with my girlfriends to go shopping and get a new Gucci bag when I see that brats Tyler, you know if I wasn't so worried about who would clean the house and get me beer I would get rid of him probably send him and hazel to the orphanage or something,

I'll just ignore him  for now probably get their dad to smack him around a few times, I saw my girlfriends waiting for me In front of Gucci we got some bags and a few new shoes, after that we want to some high class restaurant which was completely empty,
Girlys what are we sitting in an empty restaurant, I asked

Cause where to hot and sexy to sit with the poor people of the world, courtney explained, plus my suger daddy bought this place so I can use it when ever I want for anything I want,

You know we should throw a party here, Regina said excitedly tots and we should invite all the celebrities we know, Madison said pulling out her phone, ok I just posted about it so all we need is food, and champagne I added

After we where done planning the party I want home, I checked and hazle was still locked in the basement like the rat she is but tyler still isn't home yet so I decide to call him,
*ring*   *ring* * ring*

ugh why is it taking this brat so long to answer the phone, finally he answers

T:  Tyler speaking

B:  brenda speaking


Hey brat I need you to get me some beer on your way back

But all the stores are closing soon I can't run to the liquor store I'm to far away

I dont care find a way or I'll tell your father that your disrespecting me again, and you know what he does when you disrespect me, I'm sure you dont want that ti happen again,

Ok ok I'll get you some beer just please dont tell him I'm begging you brenda

Just get me my beer and drop the attitude and your father dosnt hear about this conversation got it brat

Yes mam

Good and dont bother coming home until you get it ok,


I cut the call that little brat better get me my beer or I swear his going to have to face his father, I took of my heels and dresse but on my night gown and went to sleep

Hey bitch's and bros and non binary hoes and to you my gender flued sisters or whatever you are today I just wanted to say sorry taking such a long break and for this chapter being so short but I'm back now also I wanted to show you how hazle, brenda and Tyler's dad look like and I need help coming up with a name for tylers dad so if you have any questions tell me



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Tyler's dad

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Tyler's dad

Tyler's dad

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P.S did not draw any of these I just found them on pinterest

Idk What To Name This (Aaronz X Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now