woke up from coma

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Tyler pov

During the concert everything had gone dark and I couldn't see anything but I could ear mei mei and the girls panicking and some other random voices around them. the more time passed the less I could ear, the last thing I hared was yelling and crying, I tried several times to yell out for help but nothing helped it was like everyone disappeared and I was all alone,

suddenly mei mei appeared, I got up and ran to her, mei mei you got to help me everyone is gone and I don't know what to do, she pushed me to the ground, way would I help a bully like you, w-what you said you forgive me, you alleyways bullied me you made my life miserable way would I help you, she looked at me with discust then the  Rest of the girls appeared and started laughing at me making fun of me and calling me a bully,

I tried to run away but the walls where closing in I couldn't escape the girls left I finally had sometime to think but before u knew it my dad was infront of me with his belt and started hitting me with it, he stopped, way was i burdened with a faggot of a son like you, it played like that for what felt like hours or days even weeks it played again and again then my eyes shot up u looked around me I was in a hospital bed the nightmare was finally over

I saw Abby barge through the door, she ran up to me and Tackled me to the bed after a few minutes the rest of the girls came in Priya pulled Abby off, I looked at there faces it looks like they've been crying for days, are you guys ok what happened, I asked they looked at me confused, you've been in acoma for 6 weeks, I looked at them dumb founded, I've been WHAT!!!! While they where catching me up on everything I missed the doctor came in while it looks like you all good mister Nguyen-baker ( if you don't know that's Tyler's last name ), but I would like to keep you hear for one more day if that's ok with you, I don't think thats necessary, if you think so but if anything goes wrong come hear entirely, I nodded a few minutes later I was ready to leave,


Hey biches and bros and non-binary hoes and to my gender fluwed sisters or whatever you are today I hope you like this chapter really hope you like it k thinks byyyyyyyyyyyye

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