love at first sight

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No one pov

When tyler got to the concert he was imetaly trabled by thousands fangirls/boys when he got in the stadium 🏟 he was imetaly Tackled by Abby, *sigh* Abby get of him,Priya said grabing Abby of him why we've been waiting for him for about a hour, Abby complained but still got of Priya helped tyler up, so tyler how excited are for this concert, mei mei asked getting closer to tyler with each word,

Tyler pov

Ya I'm super excited, while we where talking the lights start to deem and the music starts to play, everyone started to ground together which really hurt my cuts and bruises but I couldn't let that show,

When 4town got on stage they started with there most famous songs

I love them but I love Aaron z the most his so hot 🔥, without even thinking I yelled I LOVE YOU ZBEAR, I turned to mei mei and tapped her on the shoulder, is it just me or did Aaron z wink at me
Nope we saw it too, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I can't believe it I think about to faint

Idk What To Name This (Aaronz X Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now