what my boyfriend didnt miss seeing me

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Tyler pov

When me and the girls ( meimei, mariam, priya, and abby) were called to the office? The first thing I thought was that something bad happened maybe its because of that guy i punched. . . Probably not,

When we got to the principals office we started fighting on who would open the door obviously non of us wanted to do it, it would have went on forever if the door hadn't suddenly opened, we stoped fighting looking at the door to see the principal's disappointed look

All five of you come in, she said with a super strict voice, ok so I have called you five in here for a reason, ok if its about the guy I punched he deserved it, no Tyler that's not it, oh thank God, it's abou-, is it about the toilet filled of chocolate pudding than that's abbys fault, meimei said cutting the principal off, wow thanks meimei don't try and forget that it was your idea,

Meimei and abby started yelling and fighting with each other I could see that the principal was getting annoyed, ENOUGH, she yelled, we will talk about all the thing you did later but for right now I need you 5 to give some students a tour of the school you will each get one student understood, understood, we all said in unison, now let's talk about the toilet pudding, god why did meimei have to bring that up, by the time we got to leave it was time for the tours,

I said bye to the girls and want to wait for my new student the principal gave each of us a place to meet with the new students, I wonder who it could be?
As I wait and wait and they still haven't came yet I'm starting to get annoyed I was about to leave before someone ran into me and surprise surprised I fell face first into the ground, sorry im late I got lost, wait why do I know that voice when I got of the ground I turned around trying to see who it is,

Hey Tyler funny seeing you here, why are you here, thats so rude what my boyfriend didnt miss seeing me, oh my god did he just  call me his boyfriend i think my heart just skipped a beat, ok I know we are technical dating but still, why are you here, I know minnie told us the 4 town was going to be going to our school but I didnt think she was being serious

While I'm here for my tour sweetheart, dont call me that in public, but why not he said pouting, because Its embarrassing Aaron, I explained, fine I'll stop, he looks so sad yet still so hot, ok how about this you can call me that bu-, yay thanks sweethea-, nope let me finish before you cut me off,

  I said cutting him off, you can call me whatever you want has long as we are not in public, got it? Got it no worries babe, what did i just say, I say trying to hide blush creeping up my neck, but where not in public where all by ourselves, i dont even know what I  was expecting, you know what nevermaind come on let's get this door over with, I say walking away from him, Tyler wait up your walking to fast,

Hey bitch's and bros and non binary hoes and to you my gender flued sisters or whatever you are today
Sorry this is short I've kinda been busy so hope you still like it

Idk What To Name This (Aaronz X Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now