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Aaronz pov

This was our last concert for a while, robaire said we have to go to school, I'm going to miss all our fans,

Time skip

After the concert I saw Tray troy or whatever his name was after a few minutes I gave up on trying to guess his name he was with his little sister, I walked passed the reast of my fans right up to him, hey pretty boy long time no see you forgot to texts me thats not very nice the more I talked to him the glosser I got i could see he had tiny little freckles, (i headcanon that tyler as freckles) plus he got as red as a tomato 🍅 which was really cute, come with me, I grabbed his hand and dragged him and his sister, to my trailer i know that is was probably really weird for me to do that but I just wanted to be alone with him and his sister, ummm sorry for dragging you and your sister in here, it fain he turned to his sister nilling down to be the same height as her, are you ok, she nodded and hugged him it was so cute I wish I had a little sibling ahh there is a reason why I dragged you here, he got up and turned around, what is it, do you Maybe want to go on a date with me, I can only come if my sister can come too It probably a deal Breaker for you i should probably g-, before he could finish his sentence i kissed i don't know what came over me but I did it, we Broke the kiss cause humans need air and what ever, Surprisingly he was a good kisser like a really good kisser, sorry it was the only why I could think of to calm you down seems like it worked and plus your sister can Totally come,


I hope you people like this chapter sorry its a little short I've been busy but hope you like it

Idk What To Name This (Aaronz X Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now