date 2

493 13 6

Hey biches and bros and non-binary hoes and to my gender fluwed sisters or whatever you are today I have realized that I forgot to tell yall what they where wearing and since I'm terrible at Description I decided to show you

Aaron z

Aaron z pov

I woke up to my alarm yalling I didn't want to wake up i just wanted to sleep in since we don't have anything to do since we don't have any more concerts, as I started to fall back to sleep i remembered something very important, my eyes shot opened, i forgot about my date I jumped out of bed ran to the bathroom quickly got ready ran to the kitchen stole Aaront waffles 🧇 (I feel like 4town would all live in the same house) made my way to the front door before I could leave robaire got in my way, where do you think your going, i have a date, nope if we haven't meet them, robaire always do this i would kinda understand if he did it for everyone but no its just me, no offense dude but your test in people suck, I turned around surprise surprise it was Aaron t, shut up your just mad I stole your waffles 🧇, he rolled his eyes and walked away, comon please if you let me go ill stop complaining about going to school, i stared at robaire for few seconds he looked like he was wayne he's Options, fain you can go but if you start crying about them dumping you I'm going to slap you, I  Thanked him and ran out the house,

I got to the park i looked for him for a while since he wasn't hear yet I decided to wait on a bench close to the entrance, a few minutes passed then hours i was starting to think he stood me up on desaied to wait a couple more minutes if he didn't show i would just left as I got more impatient i was about to leave when I heard he's voice from behind me hey
Hope you haven't been waiting long, turned around nope just got hear a few minutes ago, it was a lie but he didn't need to know that, he sat down bisaid me holy God he looks so cute, so where are we going, its a surprise, I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the park we want to a secret creek I knew i always come hear whenever im sad or angry or just bored i never took anyone there before not even the rest of the 4town members,

The creek

The creek

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I looked at tyler he looked star struck, I walked up to him i grabbed him by the waist do you like it, its beautiful, but not as beautiful as you, he blushed so much he looked like a cute little strawberry, I bet you bring all your dates hear, nop...

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I looked at tyler he looked star struck, I walked up to him i grabbed him by the waist do you like it, its beautiful, but not as beautiful as you, he blushed so much he looked like a cute little strawberry, I bet you bring all your dates hear, nope believe it or not your the first person I've brought hear, he smiled I think I just fall in love he pushed me and started to run i chased after him after a few seconds I got him and we fell to the ground covered with flowers I picked one out and put it in his hair he giggled, your really cute you know, he blushed, your even cuter when you blush, he played fully punched me on the chest, I picked him up walked up to the leak and jumped in, when we got out we where soaking wet i laughed tyler on the other hand didn't look so happy, I moved closer to him I'm sorry forgive me,

Time skip

Before we knew it it was dark,

Before we knew it it was dark,

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We where laying on the ground looking up at the sky I got up reached my hand out, comon we got to go, he grabbed my hand I pulled him up l, we want on our why to his house, so was it fun, ya it was the best date I've been on, he explained, is it g...

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We where laying on the ground looking up at the sky I got up reached my hand out, comon we got to go, he grabbed my hand I pulled him up l, we want on our why to his house, so was it fun, ya it was the best date I've been on, he explained, is it good enough for a end of date ki-, before I could finish my Sentence he kissed me he was a really good kisser, he pulled away he waved goodbye and want Inside, best day ever I made my why back home, when I got home the first thing I saw was all of the 4town members siting infront of the door waiting for me to come home, I knew what would happen if I stayed there for a second more so I just ran upstairs i laid in my bed looking up at my roof the only thing that was going on  in my mind was my date with tyler, best day ever

Idk What To Name This (Aaronz X Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now