cuts and bruises

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No one pov

As the concert started people started to push there way to the front which wasn't good for tyler the more people pushed to the front moving and shoving others which made Tyler's cuts bleed even more then before until everything want black the 4 girls noticed right away they picked up tyler and tried to leave with out drawing to much attention to themselves, suddenly the music stopped, hey do you girls' need help, they turned around to see it was 4 town, Aaronz want up to the unconscious boy do you know what happened to him they stayed slight for a few seconds till mie mie spoke up we might know way, we can talk about this later we need get him to the hospital 🏥, they got in the 4 town lemo and drove to the hospital, they want to the front desk ummm excuse me our friend fell unconscious and we need a doctor now, what is your friends name, tyler, they picked him up on a Stretcher and pulled him into a room they weren't allowed to see him a few hours later a doctor came out looking for them,

So your friend is ok we just had to stich up his cuts and he had a Spread arm and a few head injuries so he just has to stay hear for a week then he can go home,
Can we see him, ye-, before he can finish his sentence all the girls ran to the room tyler was in,

*in the room*

They all rushed to the bed, tyler are you all right, Abby calm down and I'm fain, was it him again mariam said in a unusually sad toon, tyler stayed quiet that gave them the answer they needed, never mind that right now where just happy you are ok,

Hey biches and bros and non-binary hoes and to my gender fluwed sisters or whatever you are today I just wanted to say that I hope you like this chapter im sorry if its a little bit short I've been busy but hope you all like it byeeee

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