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Aaron z pov

I tired calling tyler today to see if he wanted to hang out but he wasn't answering he must be busy I'll just send him a text,

a few hours later I checked to see if tyler responded (he didnt) i started getting worried, considering the scars and bruises that I've seen on both him and his sisters (hazel) bodys, i tried forgetting about them, reminding myself that Tyler will come to me when his ready but I'm starting to get concerned

With Tyler and hazel

Hazle pov

Big brother and I have been at auntie's house for a 4 days now and it's been amazing, like we actually get food now and dont have to sneak it past dad and brenda, and I dont get yelled at as much,

I wish we could live hear but I know big brother would miss his friends and his boyfriend (he doesn't know that I know about his boyfriend), but I never want this trip to end. Big bro says dads going to make us leave early since everyone on mom's side hates him and brenda,

So I'm going to enjoy this trip as much as possible before we have to leave, every night aunt Rachel let's us eat as much ice cream as we want and she takes us to this Carnival near her house when we get a chance to come over, the last time we went was before mom died
Aunt Rachel came to our house and dad was passed out drunk on the couch and mom was at work, so she took us to her house we eat she told us some story's about mom when she was younger and she took is to the carnival.

While we were there aunt Rachel got a call from the hospital saying mom died in a car crash she tried to call dad but he was to passed out to answer so she took us to the hospital to see mom, when we got to the hospital dad finally picked up we told him what happened but he didnt seem to care and hanged up on us that night we spent in the hospital, the very next day mom died and dad did not care at all

Hey bitch's and bros and non binary hoes and to you my gender flued sisters or whatever you are today I am so sorry this is so short and that I didnt post a new chapter in a very long time but I am back and I will try and post more regularly from now on byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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