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Tyler's pov

Dad just came into my room while more stomped in to my room reminding me that it's the anniversary of my mom's death and that we're going to my aunts (on my mom's side) house to meet the rest of my mom's family which means we have to out up an act that we are an happy family dont get me wrong I love going to my aunts house because I get to actually talk to family that accepts me as gay and dosnt treat me like a chore,

It also one of the few chances that hazle  get to come out of the basement for more yhen just for school, as me and hazel get ready in the basement because dad likes to get swinging when ever we go see my moms family brenda comes down drunk which is just great. Before brenda can say or do anything I drag hazel up to my room where I know is safe because it as a lock and she (hazel) usually comes to my room when ever both dad and brenda get  drunk together.

By the time branda Is kinda sober and me and hazel finish hiding all of the bruise and scares we're already late we all get In to the car for some reason branda always buys hazel in the boot of the car even though there's enough room beside me, I always sneak hazel snacks during car rides and let her use my phone so shes not bored but she always gives me the phone whenever some texts me,

Half way to auntie's house hazel tapped me on my shoulder giving me my phone in the process, "someone texted you" she says quitely so our "parents" dont hear her I thank her.

I check my massages I see I got a text from all the girls in the group chat


The panda team


Good luck on your family trip


That's today while damn good luck tyler


I hope it goes well


Best if wishes Tyler

after reading there messages I cant help but smile I keep scrolling to see if anyone else messaged me after a few minutes I see that aaronz texted me too

Hey bitch's and bros and non binary hoes and to you my gender flued sisters or whatever you are today I want to say sorry for not posting chapters for so long so hear you go hope you like it

Idk What To Name This (Aaronz X Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now