redo consert

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Tyler pov

When i was discharged from the hospital i immediately ran home, when I got home thankfully dad or Brenda warnt there i want to the basement, hey hazle, big brother, hazle is my little sister brenda convinced my dad to lock her in the basement because she reminded her of my mom the only time hazle does come out is for school or we have to take a family picture other then that she's just locked hear somethings I sneak her out but its not for long but she enjoys it, are you ok i hared dad talking about how you where in the hospital, don't worry I'm fain what about you did he do anything to you while I was gone, noting out of the ordinary, I walked up to her kneeled so I was her height I promise we'll get far away from here and dad will never hurt you again,

*time skip*

I wasn't suppose to go to school since I was on bed rest but dad didn't really care and who was suppose to take hazle to and from school, after I dropped hazle off I want to class luckily my first class was home room so I just strolled through my phone I checked massages to see if I missed any messages or calls, I missed a few texts from brenda telling me to pick some stuff up even though I was in a coma I Sonim thought I didn't realize the bell rang I got my stuff and headed to my next class,

It was lunch i sat on a bench outside scrolling through social media before I knew it I was pushed to the ground  i looked up and Abby, Priya, miriam and mie mie, miriam helped me up, tyler why are you hear shouldn't you be on bed rest, Priya said being once again the mom of the group, I needed to take hazle to school and you know my dad wouldn't do it and brenda is to dumb to know her why out of a paper beg, the only thing she knows her way around is a beer bottle 🍺, Abby added we all laughed, hey I have some bad news and good news while the good news doesn't make sense without the bad news, mie mie just spit it out, we all yelled she took a deep breath, so here it goes 4town is braking up so they can go to school
Abby started crying miriam was on the ground ready to die and me and Priya where on the bench crying, miriam looked up at mei mei and the good news, there coming here,

We all got up started yelling and squleing, but that was quickly stopped by the bell 🔔 we said our goodbyes and want of to our next class, before I knew it school was over I mead my way to hazles class by the time I got there she was the only one left I ran up to her, hey haz I'm really sorry I'm late, its fain big brother i just hope dad doesn't hurt me for being late, he won't I promise, we started our walk home but I could still see how scared she was, hey haz, she looked up at me, since its my fault where late way don't we go to the store and you can by whatever you want, really! Yap, I've never seen her this existed before, we got insaid the store, I want candy, ok since its 4:55 meet me back hear at 5:00 , big brother you know I can't tell time yet, ok so when the small hand reaches 5 come back hear ok, I said pointing at the clock on the wall of the store, she nodded and left for the candy Isle, I checked the list of things brenda wanted it was mostly makeup but I also got some groceries, since I finched fast I disaded to look for hazle while I was looking for the candy isle some rando bumbed into me,

Hey whach where your going, ya sorry man need a hand, he pulled me up, ya thanks, I looked up to see his face, y-your Aaronz, ya nice to meet you pretty boy, n-nice to meet you too, wait I know you from somewhere mmm  oh ya your the dude who fainted during our concert how are you by the way, ho I'm fain, thats good do you wanna hang out, Aaronz just asked me to hang out deep breath, I would love to but right now I have to take care of my sister, can I attest get you number, I nodded and gave him my number, after he left, I continued to look for hazle, big brother are you ready to go, we paid for the stuff and where on our way hame, big brother can I ask a question, of course, why is your face really red, uhhh don't worry about it, okay, omg she is so cute when we got home dad and brenda warnt home hazle want back to the basement and I want to my room after putting the groceries away, I laid on my bed and drifted to sleep 💤

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