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"We are not going into a school, where there are hundreds of people, just to find Kozlov. The risk is way too big. We're not shooting random people, we follow a code. Only harm who must be harmed, people not involved are meant to be left alone." Xerxes says, being the only one of us that cares about other people's lives.

"Don't be such a softie Xerxes. If the people do as we say, no one will be harmed and they will remain safe. If they die it is only because they interfered in things that are not their business." Seth says, bored with Xerxes.

"He's right." Aeron speaks up, making the decision as the oldest one. Xerxes looks furious yet calming at the same time. He knows he won't win an argument against Aeron, so he gives up and decides to accept it.

We've been at this for days, planning on how we're going to kill Kozlov, a man who needs to be dead for the entire world's sake.

We all have different opinions on how to kill him, but in the end, it doesn't really matter. As long as he's dead.

Xerxes is right though. Other people, innocent people who have no business in this, should remain to be unharmed.

Kozlov is an asshole. He does human trafficking and sex trafficking. Mostly with little girls from the age of nine.

It's a disgusting thing that he is a huge part of, and it has got to stop because innocent people are being hurt.

He 'works' in a high school nearby and it is the only chance we have to kill him because it is the only place where he is not guarded by a hundred men.

"We can't let him get away again. And no, I don't want others to die, but getting Kozlov is our main priority right now." Aeron says once again, all of us immediately agreeing with him.

"Fine, but any deaths will not be on my hands, it's on yours," Xerxes states, hating the decision that had to be made.

Xerxes is the youngest out of us, being twenty-seven. He's also the most vulnerable on our 'slew of assassins', as the media calls us.

The media has been after us for ages now, desperately wanting to know who we are and why we do what we do.

Everyone knows that we exist and what we do. Of course, we have some sort of a secret identity, but it's not as secret as many would like to think.

We've all been friends for exactly twenty years, and we grew up in this together. News claims, we're the most famous and dangerous assassins of the world, having killed the worst villains and wretched people in the world.

I'd say a lot of people are thankful for us for killing those people because half the world has been in danger on account of them.

We don't go killing people that don't need to be killed. We don't go on random killing sprees either.

We find who needs to be dead, we make a plan that we work on for months, and then, we hit. We hit like a thing no one has ever seen before.

With every person whom we kill, we have a different plan to succeed. But to know how to hit them, we need to know their strengths, their capabilities. But most important of all, we need to know their weaknesses.

You see if we don't succeed at killing someone at once, which never happens, we will always know their weakness, and without knowing, their most beloved thing is gone.

We're not like some sort of cult or clan. But this is our job, we were trained to do this since were twelve years old, and none of us would love to do anything else.

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