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The 'threats' the French have been trying to send us this past week have me speechless, I did not know they were that bad at what they're supposed to be doing.

The bomb was quite the success, sure, but it immediately gave off it was them, no other would pant a bomb like that, except the French.

I guess you could say they're quite unconventional.

Almost every mafia has a traditional line in itself, but the French mafia is exactly the opposite of traditional.

Every mafia has its own characteristics and features, one which describes them, but you'll never be certain who it is since every mafia twists its traditional ways into something other.

The French have absolutely no characteristics in them. Besides that, they are see-through. Like glass. You could easily read their minds, that is how transparent there are.

That is how transparent their mafia is.

However, France contains several mafias in its country. Simply every country does, but they're fighting to be number one in their own country, which says quite enough about their reputation to the world.

So for now, we aren't certain whose it is, but Enzo's family ties have connections all through France, so it shouldn't take too long for us to find out who their leader is.

We don't often get involved with the international mafia, mostly mafia based in America. Take Kozlov for example.

Kozlov was a Russian mafia leader, and though he may have been Russian, he operated in America, which makes his and our mafia, not international.

Though we do deal with the international mafia, we do not interfere in international mafia affairs, which could simply cause too much of an outburst for us, one we do not need.

So the French, are not something whom we come across often, anyone barely ever does, but when you do, you would know it's them with the tiniest bit of expertise.

They are quite feral; reckless. They are not afraid of losing. Though that may be because they don't have much to lose. So for them, it's kind of like an all-or-nothing type of thing.

So the past week, we've been working much harder to find out who caused the disturbance to our home and it's not something we appreciate.

We have already caught quite a few French men, but not their leader. Those French imbeciles can't speak English either, or at least they claim they can't.

Though we all know quite a few languages, none of us knows French, because it's not one of the main mafia languages. Russian and Spanish, for example, we do know. Valerius knows Chinese, and Seth can speak Portuguese.

Due to all this, we have been working very hard the past week and a half, much harder than we have the past months.

I've barely seen Amara this week, only during breakfast or dinner. None of us has touched her, hell, I'm not even sure one of us even shared a kiss this week.

She must be feeling down, I think to myself.

Surely, she has school the entire day when we are home. At night, after dinner, we went out on missions, and we worked in our offices quite a lot too, having too much paperwork to catch up on.

We did always make sure at least one of us was home when she was, not wanting to leave her alone since an extra threat has come our way, we can't let out girl get in danger, I couldn't live with myself.

Sitting behind my desk in my dark office, I shut the laptop and close off the computer in front of me before pushing my chair back from my desk as I stand up, leaving my office as I walk towards the main house.

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