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TW: sexual assault


I drive away from the mansion as I see the bushes before the gate move, catching my attention although I reckon it could be the wind.

I speed away from the mansion, making my way towards the supermarket just fifteen minutes from here, as I need to buy a necessity.

I've seen Amara be a bit sad and down these past days. I thought she was adjusting and getting along just fine, but I guess she misses her daily life.

She told me she loved school more than anything in life, and we've taken that away from her, which I feel quite bad about.

All the guys have been adjusting as well.

When she just came here it was mostly Lucifer and Xerxes who was extremely nice to her. Not because they felt bad, but because they genuinely thought she was nice and knew she felt the same.

After a while, I adjusted fine as well. Especially when she started helping me cooking, we got to know each other a lot more which was really nice, and now that I see how much we've ruined her life, I just want to give her the freedom she deserves.

Valerius absolutely hates and despises her, I think. Valerius is a very hard person to read, he always has been that way. So I don't really know what he thinks of her, but they don't get along at all. This is mainly his fault since he's been a dick to her 24/7 since she came here.

Aeron is a very serious person, we all are, but he's extreme that way. I wouldn't say he doesn't like her, I think he sees her as an obstacle, especially since she almost ruined our mission. But I have heard her make him laugh just a few times, and Aeron never laughs.

I didn't expect her to be so good with Aeron. Although Aeron acts like a tough dick to her from time to time. there are little moments where he enjoys her company, I know he does.

And Seth, I have no idea. He barely talks, and he's on his own most of the time. He chooses to be that way though, he's just a very closed-off person. And even though we've known him for twenty years, the man is still a mystery to some of us.

I park my car just in front of the supermarket when I arrive, seeing someone else walk out of it, someone who looks familiar.

I step out of the car, still angry at myself for forgetting the tomatoes.

"How can you forget to buy fucking tomatoes. I make her her favourite meal, and I forget to buy the most important ingredient. Fucking stupid." I mumble to myself before harshly pushing the supermarket door open.

I immediately walk over to the tomatoes, getting a shit ton of them. I also grab some other necessities, some things which Amara might need again soon.

It was super weird for some of the guys when she got her period the first time in the mansion, but no one thought it was gross or something, because it's nature's beauty, you know?

She did feel quite horrible whilst on her period though, she was in pain for five days straight, barely eating and not getting out of her bed.

The maid even needed to shower her, since she couldn't even stand up due to all the cramps she had. It made me feel quite bad for her, I think it hurts more than getting kicked in the balls.

We all helped her a bit. I made her a lot of soup since it's very calming to the stomach and the soup really helped as well.

Lucifer would sit with her two hours a day and read with her, which took her mind off of things and calmed her down.

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