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There is nothing more I'd like to do than kill that son of a bitch again, and again and again until he's begging to be taken to hell where he belongs.

Unfortunately, he's already dead. If he wasn't I would've tortured him until I even carved out his disgusting eyes.

I hate that someone did that to my girl. I fucking hate it. I fucking hate that we didn't know too.

We did a background check on her at first, but there was not much we could find as if she had disappeared.

As for Patrick, we didn't pull a background check on him, since we already knew who he was. We didn't act on it though, we didn't press her to talk about him. We didn't know he had done that to her, but we had a feeling something wasn't right, as to why he is dead now.

He was with Kozlov. Not so much with him, as he was only a drug dealer who apparently, wasn't the best one at that either.

But as said, Kozlov dealt in human and sex trafficking, no doubt that Patrick had raped a girl before, god knows how many.

All of Kozlov's members had raped at least one girl, it was like an entering ritual to be an official part of his 'gang'.

But there was not much in my power that I could do anymore. Patrick was dead, and there was no one we could get revenge on for what he did to Amara.

there is nothing more that I want to do right now than tell my friends and kill anyone who even knew her name. I can't tell my friends though, it's not my place at all. It is completely up to her, and I understand if she isn't ready yet.

I am so grateful she told me though, but I never wanted to kill someone more than I wanted to kill him.

It's fucking disgusting.

Amara is laying on top of me still, and Xerxes left at five this morning, waking up and going on a mission, one that was long overdue.

She's in my arms as soft snores leave her, making me chuckle.

I didn't sleep a minute the entire night, I couldn't get what she told me out of my head. It was so fucked up that happened to her. She was eleven, and there was nothing in her power she could do, there was nothing she could've done to stop it.

That's what bothers me the most.

Who let her stay with a man like that? A man who had been in prison so many times they should just make it permanent. How could people leave her with a man who had nothing, who couldn't give her a good childhood?

Her entire childhood must be ruined by what he did to her. Everything that happened from the age of eight until seventeen, years of sexual abuse, rape, and mental abuse. How did she overcome all that? How could we not have seen it?

She was so young when it all happened, she must not even have understood what happened to her, or why.

God, she didn't deserve that. No one does but, that's my girl. He touched my girl. He hurt my girl, over and over again.

I fucking despise the people who place her with him, I pity them for being so small-minded and I'd rather kill them than anything else.

And that fucking trailer park. I want to set it on fire and burn all the kids that were mean to her alive. Burn Patrick's friends who'd touch her alive.

Suddenly I feel my girl shaking in between my arms, as she mutters little words while shaking her head no. I look down at her as tears stream down her beautiful face.

I can feel her legs kicking as she screams, turning around and I can tell she's scared. She's having a nightmare.

"Shh, you're okay, baby. You're okay." I whisper to her as I hold her closely, hoping she'll awake from her nightmare.

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