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I have been swimming in the pool for weeks now, and the pool water is making my skin wrinkly, all because of the chlorine I guess.

I mean, don't mind me, I freaking love the fact that I live somewhere that has a huge pool, but I would love to swim in the sea for once.

I think I've only once or twice touched salt water. Once, when I was very young, around five. I don't remember, but one of the only pictures I had of me and my parents was of the three of us in the sea.

The other memory I have of the time I went to the beach was when Patrick took me when I was eight and raped me in the sea after everyone had left.

It was an excluded area, so no one noticed. He made sure to think of that.

But besides the bad connections and memories I have of the huge ocean, I want to make new, good ones. Good memories with my guys. 

It's not that they don't trust me to leave the house. But to be fair, I haven't quite thought about going somewhere myself. Besides school, I haven't felt the need to go somewhere else.

I was feeling anxious to go explore the world on my own, especially with everything that's happened the past few months.

But it's summer, and I feel good. It's also hot as fuck, and I want to go to the beach. I haven't had the time to ask my guys yet, but I'm about to do it.

I'm just trying to figure out a game plan.

I know Aeron and Valerius would probably hate the beach, being the grumpy fucks they are. But I have some magical parts in me, which can be used for seduction and persuasion.

I would go the easy way and ask Xerxes and Enzo and let them argue with the others. But I'm not trying to put them through a rough time again, even though they always win.

Don't ask me how.

Xerxes would say yes immediately, which while I do appreciate it, I wonder how my other guys would react when I ask them something out of the blue.

I woke up way too early this morning because somehow my curtain fell off its fucking rack so the sunlight started shining into my room since six-thirty this fucking morning.

though I went to sleep early, I still wish I could have just a little bit more sleep time for myself. So what I've been doing all morning is reading a book. 

It's currently twelve as I walk to the library, knowing Aeron has been spending his time there lately doing god knows what.

I open the big doors and am met with the huge library I haven't been in for way too long. It just hasn't been calling my name is all.

I see Aeron sitting, but he doesn't notice me at all.

He sits in one of the big comfy chairs, half lying in it with his laptop in his lap. The glasses, which he never wears because he's 'too young' for it, are resting on his nose.

I walk over to him and as I get closer he notices me. I smile at him and he immediately shuts his laptop, way too fast for my liking. 

He takes off his glasses and places the laptop and his glasses on the small table. He sits up in the chair as I sit on the big armrest.

"I haven't seen you all morning. What's up?"  

"Not much, baby. Did you sleep okay?" Aeron asks me, scooting me from the armrest into his lap in one swift movement. 

I am not that light.

"Fine. So, I have a very great idea." I start, with great ideas that can only have good outcomes, so he'll have to say yes.

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