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I swear, I have always loved just laying on the couch and not doing shit, but my ass has never hurt more than it does now

The guys don't let me do anything. They won't even let me pee on my own.

One of them is always with me, which isn't something I mind at all. They just won't let me out of their sight, which is understandable.

I just feel like I've been going crazy. It's been about three weeks since my surgery, and I've watched all 10 seasons of Friends and I'm currently on the third season of Modern Family.

I'm not doing shit with my life.

Besides that, graduation is tonight. We're going, I convinced them of them, but they're going to secure the building with so many men, not wanting the French that is left to attack again.

My days are boring, never thought I'd say that. I wake up in someone's bed, get carried downstairs, and placed onto the couch as I get breakfast.

Someone showers me, then I'm back on the couch for the rest of the day until I go back to bed.

I've been outside a bit, but I've been kind of avoiding it since it's very hot out and I just don't want to be all hot and sweaty with my bandages still on.

Imagine the tan. That'd be horrible.

It's not like I can do anything, because my fingers aren't completely healed yet.

The first week, I had to be fed every single meal because I couldn't hold a fork or a spoon in my hand, which was kind of embarrassing.

I hated it.

Like right now, I can't even do my makeup, which means one of the guys has to do it.

To be fair, I asked Valerius to do it since he's a painter and it seemed most logical to me that he might be good at it.

So, currently say behind my beauty desk, Valerius sits next to me as I tell him what to do.

"So just- I won't curl my eyelashes 'cause I don't want you to rip them off my face." I smile at him, telling him to grab the mascara. "Just brush it up against my eyelashes until it had enough volume," I instruct him, letting him do it as I look up.

"Shit, this is harder than I thought It would be." He admits, but when he's done and I turn to the mirror after he's done, I admit it actually looks good.

"Okay so now just take a cotton swab, put some makeup remover on it, and then just take off the remaining mascara on and under my eyelids," I tell him, as he does so.

I then tell him to apply the blush to my cheeks, using the benefit lip tint, and he does it perfectly. I then tell him to brush out my eyebrows in a correct way and put Vaseline in them, so that they remain this way.

After some quick touch-ups, my makeup looks exactly the same as when I do it.

"Is this okay, baby?" He asks me curiously, seeming insecure about his work.

"It's amazing. Better than when I do it." I say, smiling at him as I stand up from my seat. "Pick an outfit with me?" I say to him, as he walks with me to my walk-in closet.

It's going to be pretty hard finding a dress that covers up my entire chest since I don't want my entire class to know about my surgery, but I think I'll manage to find something.

After searching through my entire closet for an outfit, and Valerius pulling out three dozen of dresses, we've finally found something.

Everything Valerius showed me was something you could easily see my bandage in.

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