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I walk up the stairs towards Amara's room to talk to her, being nice to her like Seth asked me to. I don't know why I have to apologize and be nice since clearly, I didn't do anything.

But Seth pisses me off. Seth is just like me, he will keep bugging me until he gets what he wants. So if I don't do it now, I'll be hearing about it for five years straight.

I knock on her room door and she yells, telling me to come in and I do, opening the door before closing it again when I make it into her room.

It is beautifully decorated. I haven't been in this room since she's lived here.

It used to be just black walls and a bed, but she somehow managed to make it so much more, she managed to make it look more alive.

The walls are sage green, posters and paintings hung up her wall, along with some pictures that contain quotes, such as 'Nothing is impossible' and 'It's never too late to be what you might've been'.

There is a light grey carpet on the wooden floor, and a few pieces of clothing lay on the ground. She had a desktop with the laptop we gave her on it, and above is it a huge bookshelf with at least 20 books on it.

Amara sits on her beautifully made bed, which she's probably done herself since she feels bad for the maid because she already has 'so much to do', but that's what we hired her for.

I look around some more before Amara looks up at me, a confusing look plastered all over her face as she closes the book she was reading, putting it away.

"Hey." I say.

"What are you doing here?" She says, a bit of anger expressed in her voice as she sits up, straightening her previous posture as she looks at me.

"I-I wanted to apologize." I stutter. I never stutter. Why the fuck did I stutter.

"You? You're apologizing? You're apologizing to me? Me? This must be a joke, although it's not a very good one, Aeron."

"It's not a joke," I say to her before moving closer, sitting at the end of her bed uncomfortably. "I'm here to apologize."

"What for, Aeron. Surely there is nothing you did that you regret." She says to me, a hard tone in her voice.

"F-for-" I start.

"Yes?" She interrupts me. "Is it that hard for you to apologize to someone?" She huffs as a slight emotion of disappointment goes across her face before she takes a deep breath. "Sorry."

"That's alright. Besides, I'm the one that should be apologizing right now, not you." I say as she scoots over to me. "I'm sorry, Amara." I say as a small grin appears on her face.

"And what exactly are you sorry for, Aeron?" She says as I look back at her again as her grin widens as I chuckle lowly.

"Don't cross the line, Amara. Be thankful I said sorry in the first place, thanks to those pussies Seth and Lucifer, god." I say as she laughs, very loudly, the beautiful sounds drumming in my ears.

"They told you to apologize to me? And you actually listened to them? This is gold! This is so fucking funny omg!" Amara laughs even harder as small tears escape her eyes.

"Language." I say harshly as she immediately apologizes for my tone and the big smile on her face stays as I smile back at her.

I never smile.

"So, Aeron, haha, small favor?" Amars says as she pulls the sleeves of her big sweater over her hands I see goosebumps on her legs as she's only wearing shorts.

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