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I know how much I fucked up. I fucking now i did. In fact, we all fucked up, but especially Seth and I.

She saw us shooting people, right in front of her beautiful innocent eyes, we shot people, something we never wanted to do in front of her.

But we did. And even though it was just for her safety, I could've easily as well beat up the guy in the bathroom instead of shooting him.

But she knew the guy, although so it seemed. She seemed frightened of him, yes, but she looked as if he was familiar to her.

And the man talked to her too, she had to have known him. What he said- she must have known him.

He said something to her that set her away from us. Surely, part of it was us shooting people, but he said something that caused her to stay away from us further, and I need to know what it was.

It's been almost two weeks, and I feel like I'm fucking dying.

I see it in all my mates too, they all look lost, and we all feel lost. We feel so lost without her, and yet we haven't had the time to tell her how we feel.

She told us she wanted distance, so we gave her that. Or at least, we tried.

We know she's barely been sleeping. We've been checking up on her at night, and most nights, she's been up until 3 am, having to wake up four hours later for school.

She's also been taking the bus to school, completely cutting us off as she did that. We understand, but it's not safe for her to use public transportation.

We've tried explaining to her, and we've tried convincing her. But every time, she came back with the 'you gonna shoot me?' argument, and I can't say I blame her.

Aeron came back from her room just now, and he looks absolutely heartbroken. The man looks homeless too, he hasn't been taking care of himself and it shows a lot.

"What the fuck can we do for her to make it better? We've apologised a thousand times, but she's not willing to forgive us with just an apology." Xerxes stumbles, all of us sitting in the library.

"Fuck- I don't know, man. Can't we just buy her a car or something? Would make her happy." Lucifer says and I try to hide my smile.

"You know she hates to get expensive stuff from us. Besides, a car is not going to make her forgive us." I explain to them, and all my friends seem to agree. As they should.

"But what else could we do then?" Seth asks, looking as if he hasn't slept in two weeks. But to be fair, I don't think any of us have.

"I'd hate to say it, but, I think we need to tell her the truth. About everything." I say, taking a few of my friends by surprise as I do so.

"What'd you just say? You want to tell her the truth?" Enzo laughs and I nod. "I mean, I'm all for it, just didn't expect those words to come out of your mouth when they did."

"Piss off. What do you say, guys? Not like we've got much to lose anyway, only her." I say as I wait for my friend's reactions, hoping they'll all agree with me.

Normally, I'd go absolutely ballistic if one of them would want to tell someone the truth about who we are and what we do. But with Amara, I don't care anymore. I just want her back, and for her to forgive us.

"I'll go get her, she seems the least pissed at me." Xerxes says, acting like he's the innocent one here while he's the one who lured the French even further in.

He leaves the library, and I can feel my friends being nervous, and so am I. I know how much Amara cares for honesty, and dislikes lies. I feel telling her the truth is the only thing that actually gives us a chance at getting her back.

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