Chapter Three

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Draco Lucius Malfoy

I place my hands on her waist and kiss her, her body tensed up for a second before she relaxed and kissed me back, her hands placed themselves on my forearms.

She was a lot shorter than me, so I was leaning over to kiss her.

We pull apart and stare into one another's eyes, I had completely forgot about my nose until I noticed the few drops of blood on her lip.

Her cheeks were bright red, "Fuck I'm sorry-" I gasp, she shook her head, "It's okay.. you didn't do anything wrong" she said, still having her hands on me.

"You can go back to class if you want" I tell her, "Don't be an idiot Draco, I'm coming with you" she stated, grabbing my hand and walking.

I had zero clue where we were going so I let Amelie lead the way.

When we got there I was sat down on a hospital bed and patched up, "You can stay here as long as you need, just give me a shout if you need anything" Madame Pomfrey said, "Thank you" I mumble, laying down and groaning.

"You okay?" Amelie asked, sitting at the bed beside me, "It stings" I sigh, she pouted and took hold of my hand, making my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Thank you for that.. I do appreciate it" she smiled, I smile at her and gently rub my thumb along the back of her hand.


Amelie Lily Bishop

"He kissed me Pans" I say, laying down across Pansys lap as she plucked my eyebrows, "That's a good thing is it not?" She asked.

I shrug, "I don't know, I think it is?".

"Amy, please don't let Harry and that other prick control your life by not letting you feel comfortable" she sighed. "I don't want to get too attached to him, for a few reasons, one, he hasn't actually confirmed if he's single, two, he's out of my league and finally, monarchy's usually have arranged marriages" I say.

"He protected you against Harry and he kissed you, he isn't out of your league, you're fucking gorgeous" Pansy told me, I bite down on my lip and roll my eyes.

"But you do realise you're going to have to pretend to be a couple near Harry so he doesn't suspect he was lying.." She said quietly, I mutter a few curses and sit up.

"I can't do that Pansy" I whimper, "You have to Amy" she whispered, my eyes close and I hug her.

"It doesn't have to be anything too drastic" she assured, I nod.

"All this in less than 24 fucking hours" I scoff, she laughed, "Want to go into the common room?" She asked, "Yeah, let's go".

I grab a zipper so I wouldn't be too cold, I only had on a vest top and a pair of shorts. Pansy on the other hand had a whole onesie on, the one that Blaise also had.

We sit down on the couch, and I ended up next to Draco, who had a tiny splint plaster across the bridge of his nose, it was quite cute.

"Jesus Amy are you not freezing?" Theo asked, I shake my head, "That's why I have a zipper on". He smirked and took out a bag from his pocket.

Positive Consequences ~ A Draco Malfoy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now