Chapter Four

376 9 3

Draco Lucius Malfoy

I wake up with my arms still around Amelie, she was cuddled into my chest, she looked pretty.

Her eyelashes were long and fluffy, her lips looked plump, we were both still naked, the curtains were pulled shut around the bed, and we were under the duvet, so no one seen our bodies, the only person that could have anyway is Pansy.

I move my hand to play with her hair, she groaned and moved closer to my chest somehow.

It was cute how cuddly she was, eventually pushing me onto my back and laying on my chest fully.

"Amy! Are you two up yet?" Pansy asked, "It's just me that's up" I reply, she pulled open the curtain and smirked, "Have fun?". I nod.

"Good, we could hear her from the fucking common room, thought Amelie was dying for a second" she says, we both looked at her sleeping on top of me for a second.

She pulled the cover up to her nose and flung her leg over my stomach, I smile down at her as she wakes up, her eyes flicking between Pansy and I.

"I'm the one that needs earplugs Amy, you were screaming" Pansy smirked, her eyes widened, "I wasn't that loud was I?" She asked, I shrug and smirk.

"They heard you from the common room" I say, "Fuck my life" she mumbled, "I want to hate you for making me be that loud but I can't, it was too good and your voice is too sexy to hate".

"That's cute darling" I tease, "Pansy fuck off for a second I want to get out of bed but I'm naked, go shag Blaise" Amelie says, "Gladly" she whispered, we waited a few seconds for the dorm door to close again and get out of bed.

I grab boxers and slide them on my body, she stood up and stumbled, "Fuck, you okay angel?" I ask, holding her up, she nodded and tried standing up again, still stumbling slightly but managing to keep stable.

I smirk and watch her body walk over to her unit to grab some underwear and clothes, "I really enjoyed last night" she smiled, "So did I, did I make you uncomfortable at all?" I ask.

She shook her head, "No, I felt really safe with you" she said, her cheeks heating up and going red, "I'm glad" I say. 

"Can you chuck me my trousers?" I ask, she bent down and grabbed them, knowing fine well what she was doing, "Thanks for that Amy, got me harder than I was" I joke, she smirked.

I slide up my trousers and grab my shirt, "I gotta go get ready" I say, cupping her face and kissing her, she smiled and said 'Goodbye' as I left the dorm.

Shirt in hand, I walked back to my own and sigh as I step through the door, Theo and Blaise were sat patting the bed, "So, how was it?" Blaise smirked, "Amazing" I say.

"Did Pans tell you we could hear Amy from the common room?" Theo questioned, I nod and he smirked, "Dirty dog, you must be good, even Pansy isn't that loud".

"Oi! Don't insult my work!" Blaise exclaimed, I laugh, "It's fine mate, not everyone can be as good as royalty" I joke, he slapped my arm, "Go have a wank, you're hard".

"Gladly, or I could ask Amy to come over" I joke, their eyes widen, "Joking".


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