Chapter 23

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Sorry it took me a while to update! I was busy but it's done now and not only is it the longest chapter yet, it's also the best in my opinion. Hope you enjoy!!😝


I walked through my bedroom and out the door. The house was cold and still, not a mouse stirred. I walked cautiously, jerking my head around at the slightest of noises. As I walked down the stairs, I tried desperately to stop my shaking legs from stumbling over each step. I tripped up once but managed to regain my footing. I went to the kitchen and walked through the door. Mum was over the stove cooking something and stirring a wooden spoon around a pot.
"Mum? You're... You're alive." I whispered.
"Don't be absurd. Of course I'm alive dear."
The delicious scent of mum's pasta drifted up my nose. I took a deep breath, focusing on the yummy food that was being prepared for me.
"Come on dear, come get some." She offered.
I heard a high pitched scream from behind me. I spun on my heel and Emily was standing in the doorway screaming her lungs out. I turned back to mum with a questioning look but her face had changed. It was all shrivelled and pale with the skin on one side of her head peeled off so you could see her skull. Her eyes were white and glazed over. I shrieked and jumped back. Something hit the window and it smashed with a loud crack.

I jerked awake, breathing heavily. Sweat soaked my clothes and hair and I noticed a small panicked scream escaping through my lips.
Just a dream... Just a dream. I repeated to myself.
It was just a dream except for the smashed window. I noticed it cracked and broken and a rock lay on the ground just next to it. The morning sun shone brightly through the cracked glass of the window, pouring light into the room. I flicked the blankets off my legs and jumped up to investigate. I looked through the window first to try and catch whoever threw it but the streets were empty as far as I could see.
"What the hell is going on?!" James screamed as he ran down the hallway. He examined the room and noticed the window as his eyes scanned past. "Why the hell did you break the window?"
"I didn't."
He ran over and looked out the broken window. I spotted the rock laying still on the carpet and lifted it carefully from its bed of glass shards. I flipped it over in my hands and almost dropped it when I noticed the piece of paper tied to the back of it with an elastic band. I untied it and unrolled the delicate piece, dropping the rock back to the floor.

James turned to me as the rock banged and clattered to the floor.
"What was that?" I hid the note behind my back and picked up the rock again.
"I think I found what broke the window." I said and handed it to him.
He took it and looked it over and over. I returned the note to in front of my face and read the handwritten words.

Guess who I found wandering around the Human Realm. Pretty little boyfriend. I added him to my 'people to kill' list. Of course, I wouldn't get around to it in time if you found him first so you'd better hurry. Remember this though princess:

If you go down in the woods today,
You'd better go in disguise.
If you go down in the woods today,
You're sure of a big surprise,
For every bear that ever there was,
Will gather there for certain because,
Today's the day, the teddy bears have their picnic.

Careful what lurks in the dark. We wouldn't want you dying before you finished my game, now would we?
Hurry, I'm waiting.

I gasped and shoved the note into my pocket. I was starting to get a bit of a collection. I knew the words from that clue. It was from a song my parents used to sing to me. I was beginning to get really afraid of this D person.
How did they know I was here? Are they following me? Are they trying to scare me or are they telling the truth about the Bears?
"Who could have done this?" James asked, turning to look at me. "Oh no. What's wrong princess?"
"What? Nothing important." I said, my gaze quickly moving to my feet.
"You don't have to lie to me." He groaned.
"I-I'm not." I staggered.
"What is that you just put in your pocket?"
"Um... A note."
"From who?" He urged.
"I... Um... I don't know."
He held out his hand and waited for me to hand over the note. I tugged it from my pocket and put the folded piece of paper in his hand.

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