The ultron

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In the middle of the night Friday alerts them that intruder is here. All the avengers get ready to see what is was. But to Izzy's worst fears it was the Ultron.

He was taunting the others much to his fear and destroying the things shown in the movie.

Izzy's pov:

Tony quickly tries to attack but he leaves.

Izzy, "We need to reach South Africa"

Clint, "What? Why?"

Lizzie, "He will aim for the verbarium arm"

With that said I called Fury.

Izzy, "Fury I need you to transfer my kids to the place I created and send Helen cho to a better place and keep Maria with the kids. I am sending Natasha. Ultron is coming"

Fury, "Fine I will do it and becareful"

I quickly pack the belongings of my kids and nat's. Maria comes and I give her ecerything and told her what to do. I move towards nat.

Izzy, "You will not go with us and that's final you will go with maria like i said and now go nat"

She nodded and left with the kids.
I looked at the kids one more time before we got ready for South Africa.

Reaching there I stay close to bruce in case he hulks out. And it did happen he did go breserk I stopped him at time and went for ultron. I see him trying to reach the vibranium and I beat it to him.

Izzy, "Looking for this?"

Ultron, "Give that to me!!!"

Izzy, "Not a chance"

With that Tony comes and blasted him I quickyl sent tge vibranium somewhere I can reach. Ultron escaped unfortunately. We had to seek refuge I already see them tired. I fly us the hidden place I sent nat, fury, maria and the kids to.

Bruce, "Where are we Izzy?"

Izzy, "At a safe place"

After we landed we enter the house and see nat sitting at the chair and the kids at their crib.

Nat, "What happened are you ok?"

Clint, "Yup thanks to Izzy we are saved again"

Izzy, "How about we sit and rest a bit I will go and see the kids"

After I checked the kids we decided to call it a night.

We went back to the tower just as the plot and while i was discussing things with lizzie I hear a blast.

I quickly move towards Tony's lab and see that Vision was standing their with the stone on his head.

Lizzie, "I thought you removed the stone?"

Izzy, "I did that was is the one Odin helped me make and no one should know about this"

Yep I showed odin and he helped me make a fake infinity stone but powerful enough to bring vision. And lizzie and the others gasped. Well guess she is another soulmate of theirs.

Bucky, "So how to we stop ultron?"

Izzy, "He wants to destroy humanity and he will attack new york."

As I suspected Ultron did attack and now we are all fighting.

I see that Pietro tries to sheild barton and bullets launch at him I used my powers created a Sheild and protected both of them. Tony and thor destroy the aircraft that ultron was about to use. Fury and Maria covered up the rest. Loki has already destroyed half of ultron's army. I use my ultimate weapon and every single one including ultron himself was destroyed.

Tony, "Izzy you ok?"

I turn around him I nod I saw at a distance mirror and see my eyes are golden along with my skin. I stood there in my alien form.

Izzy, "Did we won?"

Thor, "Yeah we did. Now listen to our voice my love calm down. Take deep breaths"

Suddenly evrything blacks out.

I wake up to see I am at my room. I go towards the facility and see all the avengers including Fury and Maria sitting.

I was a bit shaken.

Steve, "Hey, hey calm down sweetheart it's ok everything is ok"

Wanda comes to me and hugs me. "Thank you so much for saving my brother"

Izzy, "What happened after I passed out?"

Nat, "Well new avengers joined. We welcomed them. Your kids were fussy"

Izzy, "Well I am glad everything is fine now you need to take few weeks drop out take a break try to know your mates here take this key and go"

Bruce, "No, no We still need to stay-

Tony, "Buddy you deserve it and go don't make come and get you"

And with that they left.

I decided to go and meet Ancient One.

Izzy, "So when can I meet him?"

Ancient one, "Well anytime you want and i told him he was very peculiar mates and specially a feisty one like you"

I laughed

Izzy, "Well i still need to meet guardian of the galaxies and peter parker"

Ancient one, "I time you will now you know where to find Strange go"

With that she left.

Izzy, "Well I am not going alone to meet him i will take that cocky mate of my meet him.

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