Chapter 3 *rewritten*

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My morning was terrible. But the rest went smoothly...I guess. The bus ride was the same as this morning. I get to my house before remembering that I need to knock on Sunny's door before I go inside. I knocked. He doesn't answer. I tear up. Same old, same old. Now I finally go inside. No one's home of course. I go in our room. I see my brother..... That's not him. That's not him. It's my fault. ' I did this to him. This is my fault.' I started breathing heavily, my hands tremble. thinking to myself  ' what's going on, am I dying '. I sit next to my bed. I sobbed as I choked for air. Hero turned around... He just stared as I struggled to breathe. My vision is dotted. The black dots gets bigger. They fill my whole vision.

I lost consciousness. I wake up to see hero still starring at me. I show him a smile and hope he forgets what he saw. I really hope he does. I skipped food. I skipped a shower. My parents came home. 'I can't do this today' I think as I try to get sleep. Keyword 'try'.

I get up to get ready for school. As I walk outside I see a familiar face. It's basil?? Yep that's him. "Hey dude!" I say as happy as possible. "Hey kel!" Basil says also happy. I'm glad he's doing better. "Wanna come over to work on the project later" he says with a smile "of course".

AUTHOR'S NOTE: sry not sry it's so short I've been busy😭💔

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