chapter 5 ⚠️ TW⚠️ *rewritten*

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On my way home I stop by Sunny's house and of course he didn't answer. I walk inside and went up to my room. Hero is still there. Is he alive? I can't tell. Did he kill himself? Like Mari. I feel my chest get heavy and my hands shake. As I walk closer towards him slowly. My breathing becomes rapid. "H-Hero?" I see him eyes open. I drop to the floor with relief. I sob from the stress of thinking he died. I look up to see some blood on the floor before realizing it was mine. My vision blurred before I lost conciseness.

When I awoke I was in the same place as before. Hero still starring at me. I get up clean the blood up and go clean the cuts. As I walk in my room my thoughts get loud but I just lay in my bed. I laugh. I laugh hysterically. "Hero....I fucking hate myself so much" I say still laughing. " I should just die" l say still laughing and then I feel tears come down my face. I start sobbing. I sob so loudly to the point my voice gets horse. I fall asleep soon after.

I wake up and thank God it's the weekend. I stay laying there until my mom comes to bring hero break fast and I pretend to be asleep until I actually am. I do this the whole day only getting up to use the restroom. Thankfully my parents didn't notice or I would be forced to get up. But when night came I just cried myself to sleep.

I Need Help But I Don't Care (Kel Angst) Where stories live. Discover now