Chapter 15

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I've been here for a week and recovery was slow to say the least. My limbs are aching from not moving them for weeks and the pain in my arms and stomach is undescribable. But today they are going to let me outside for a little bit. Hero, Aubrey, and Basil are going to take me of course.

They all have been weird. I hate it. The look at me with sad eyes like I'm gonna break any second. It's so annoying. They always change topics when the topic of what happened comes up. I just want everything back to normal. Better yet, I just want to die.


I've been horrible this past week. Kel always seems so sad. It hurts. I try to cheer him up but nothing seems to work. Mom and Dad refuse to visit and try to convince me that this was all for attention. It makes me mad. They claim that he is doing this for attention and is dumb because of how much he 'stares into space'. I still don't know why he does it, it last from minutes to days and he doesn't remember anything within that time. It worries me. I'm on my way to visit him, but first I have to pick the others up. But before I left I slid a note under Sunny's door. I hope he reads it.

Once I picked up Aubrey and Basil we headed into the hospital. We headed to Kel's room. Top floor room 43. We knock at first, he didn't answer so we just walked in. He was crying. His hands cover his face and his knees lay close to his chest. We all just stood there. We watch as he quietly sobbed to himself thinking he was alone. I started to walk towards him as he started to sob louder. I stopped for a second before starting to walk towards him again. I sit next to him silently and held him close he grabbed on to me tightly and sobbed. Aubrey and Basil stay there for awhile before closing the door and sitting outside. After awhile he calmed down and that's when he spoke up saying "Hero, what's wrong with me." That broke me. No, that shattered me. "Kel, there is nothing wrong with you, absolutely nothing." We stay silent until I speak up. "Well let's go outside." He looked slightly brighter after that. I leave the room to get a nurse to get a wheelchair since his legs are to weak to be moving to much. As I open the door Aubrey and Basil jump up. "How's the idiot" Aubrey says stubbornly. "He's better than before." I say as I walk away to find a nurse

I Need Help But I Don't Care (Kel Angst) Where stories live. Discover now