chapter 4 *rewritten*

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The school day was the same, getting pushed around. Oh well. I got off the bus and walked to Sunny's house, knocked on the door, didn't answer, left to basil's house.

As I walk to Basil house my thoughts get out of control and I run home. 'he probably hates me' they got louder and louder every step I took into my house, up the stairs, to my door, to my drawers, as my hand grabbed the blade, and as I sat on the floor by my bed. I dug the razor in my skin. Over and over and over as the crimson liquid spilled on the floor.

I watched the blood drip before realizing someone was starring at was hero... His expression didn't change at all he layed there staring at me. I cleaned everything as he watched and left without a word.

I ran to basil's house and made it an hour late. I knocked and Polly answered saying "Hello there kel!"
"Hey Polly!" I say cheerfully. "Basil is in his room, he told me about the project." She told me. "Thanks, see you later!" I say.

I walked down the hall and knocked on basil's door. "You can come in!" He says. "Ok!" I walk in and we both sit on the floor with the poster board and volcano base -before you say it I know a basic project but it's easy- and start working.


"I love how easy this project is and how I can still learn things about volcano-" I say stoping mid sentence. I don't know if I'm seeing this right. But under kel's sleeve. What is that. Is he.... No.. no way... he's to the happiness fake... I'll ask before assuming anything. "Uhhh. You ok, why'd you stop talking?" Kel ask me. "Kel what's that..."


"Kel what's that..." My heart sinks hoping it's not what I think he's talking about. "W-What are you t-talking about." I say stuttering. "Under your sleeve" I evaporated at this point I was so scared. "I-I" I say with the breaths I have left. "Kel breathe" he says. I breathe the best I can.
"It's nothing" I say out of breath. He looked unconvinced.
"It's obviously something if you almost had a panic attack over it" he said. "I-Im sorry" I say with tear welding up in my eyes. "It's ok" he said in a comforting voice. "Let me see" he says. FUCK. "Kel!" Basil yelled. I flinched. "I'm sorry, but I've been calling for a couple of minutes and you were unresponsive, now let me see please.." he says sounding worried. "S-S-Sorry" I say basically glitching.

I reluctantly give him my wrist. He also reluctantly lifts up my sleeves. And on my wrist is an uncountable number of cuts and scares. I shaking and sobbing. He hugs me..... he's so nice to me... I really don't deserve him.

Author note: sry again about the long wait I've been super busy dealing with my mental health LMAO(;;;・_・)

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