Chapter 12

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My eyes slowly flutter open as light slowly comes into view. The last thing I remember was Hero taking out the first aid kit. I'm a fucking idiot. I hurt Hero this is my fault. I should follow through with my plan now. I slowly stand to my feet. I felt dizzy for a second. I walk to the bathroom. I stand by the door for a second before going into it. I don't look into the mirror. I grab the sleeping pills that I placed on the shelf before I went to talk to Hero. I open it quickly, eger to die. I had no room on my arms to cut so this has to be the way. I poured like twenty. Put around five in my mouth at a time. I feel dizzy. I fall to the ground with a loud bang. My vision goes fuzzy. I see a brown blob screaming something at me. I don't have the energy to pay attention to what it's saying. All I could think was how sorry I was to Sunny.


I woke up to a loud bang. That scared the shit out of me. What was it. Oh shit where's Kel. The bang came from the bathroom. A part of me doesn't want to check, but I think I know who it is. I never got the razors from there. Fuck. I quickly walk to the door. I try to open it. It's fucking locked. I bang on the door. "Kel let me in!" I screamed in hopes that he would hear. He didn't. That's not good. I continue the try the door until I got in, now the lock is broke. I freeze. Kel on the ground, pills on the floor, bottle in hand, and eyes barely open. "Kel!" I cry. I haven't cried this hard since Mari. "Please not you too! I didn't mean it! Stay awake!" I pull out my phone and call nine-one-one. I explained what's wrong and they tell me to keep him awake until help arrives. I tried to. "Hero..."
"Yes! It's me buddy!"
"I'm tired" I sob at that. "I-I know buddy just stay awake for me ok?"
"S-Sorry Hero, I don't think I can right now." I somehow cry harder. "You can please!" His eyes close. "Wake up! Wake the fuck up!" "Please!" I finally hear sirens they come into the bathroom and take him away. I pull out my phone and call my mom. "Hello sweetie?" I cry.
"Hunny what's wrong?"
"K-Kel he-"
"What did that bastard do now!"
"H-He took pills."
"He knows we can't afford hospital bills, that brat."
I hung up. What the fuck. The first thing they thought of was hospital bills. I decided to think about that later and I go into the ambulance with Kel. We make it to the hospital and they take Kel away. I need to call Aubrey. "Hello? Hero?"
"I-It's me."
"You finally got up. I knew Kel could do it."
"I'm not calling about my self it's about Kel..." I swallow. "What happened?"
"He tried to kill himself and were at the hospital. He took sleeping medication."
"What the fuck." She was silent for awhile. "Is he ok?"
"I-I don't know." The whole world is silent. "I'll get Basil and ask Polly to take us there.

When they arrive the both looked tired. Aubrey's hair was bright pink?? But they looked scared and sad. The nurse came out of the hallway they took Kel. "I have some news..."

I Need Help But I Don't Care (Kel Angst) Where stories live. Discover now