The Rest (Ch.2)

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I walk out of the lunchroom in a hurry and practically run to biology. I hate biology. I won't ever be a scientist. My choices of a career are really slim. I like History better anyways.

The teacher sits me down next to on of the vampire kids. I think his name is Jasper. I take a deep breath and sit down next to him.

I see microscopes on the table. Microscopes are easy, I've used them hundreds of times. Literally.

"Ok, so you and your partner are going to identify the stages of a cell. The winners get the golden onion!" The teacher says.

I look at Jasper.

"Listen, I hate this class and I want to get it over with. I don't care about some stupid onion. If you want it, then you can work for it." I say.

Jasper smiles and chuckles.

"I'm Jasper Hale, I hate this class too. What is your name?" Jasper asks.

"I'm Elizabeth.... Williams." I say. I almost forgot my fake last name.

"Nice to meet you." Jasper says. "You have a bit of Texas in your voice, are you from there?" Jasper asks.

"Oh, yeah. I haven't been there for years though." I say. It was true. I haven't been to Texas ever since I turned into a vampire.

"I'm from there too. I haven't been there for a while either." Jasper adds.

"Cool." I say. Did I just talk to someone willingly?!

After biology, I head to my last class, gym. I hate gym. I can't push myself to my limits because if I do, I'll expose myself.

I go get changed and I tie my hair up. We are doing volleyball, great. I am really good at volleyball because of Texas but I try not to show it. I am one of the only good people on my team. Everyone else sucks.

After gym, I get changed and get in my bike to leave. I start riding out of the parking lot and the vampire kids are staring at me. I hate people staring at me. It makes me feel insecure and I pedal away to my cabin.

At my cabin, I put everything down and get two pitchers that you would put water in. I kill a few animals and fill the pitchers with blood. They go in my fridge and I start falling asleep. Catching animals takes a while.

I lay down on my recliner and I fall asleep.

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