Backround (Ch.6)

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I wake up slowly.

I hear a whisper. I look over to my left.

"Hey, it's ok." Jasper says.

I try to talk but my throat hurts too much.

"Shhhh, don't talk you're ok. You're fine." Jasper whispers.

"V-vampire." I whisper.

Jasper tucks my hair behind my ear.

"I know. You're safe now." Jasper whispers.

I notice we're in a hospital and my heartbeat increase a bit. Jasper notices. He gently grabs my hand.

"Hey, we're gonna get through this together, ok?" Jasper asks.

I nod my head and look at Jasper. I love him. Not like a boyfriend, I love Jasper like a friend or a brother.

This is the first time in 170 some years that I have felt love, and I love it.

I close my eyes, still holding onto Jasper's hand. I hate looking at the hospital, there are only a few colors, blue and white. Those are hospital colors in my opinion.

"Elizabeth, would you consider doing a DNA test? You can see who your parents are for the history project." Jasper says.

"Th-that would be nice." I whisper.

A doctor walks in. Not Dr. Cullen.

"Hello Elizabeth Whitlock." He says.

"H-how do you know my last name?" I ask.

"Your DNA helps me determine your last name and your profile." The doctor says. "Dr. Cullen is off on his break and will back in 30 minutes." He says. He walks out.

I sigh a breath of relief. Doctors make me on edge. Even if I know them, people in white coats remind me of hospitals.

"I thought your last name was Williams." Jasper says.

"I have to change my last name because I move to different states. Whitlock is my actual last name." I say. I close my eyes again.

I feel Jasper stroke my hair. It feels good. Jasper makes me feel safe. I fall asleep.

I wake up a few hours later and Jasper is holding my hand.

"Hey Jasp." I say.

Jasper smiles. "Hey Elizabeth."

Dr. Cullen walks in.

"Hey Elizabeth! How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I feel fine." I say.

"Jasper, can you leave for a second? Elizabeth, would you want to do a DNA test? Jasper told me about your history project." Dr. Cullen asks.

"Yeah." I say.

Jasper walks out.

"This might hurt a bit. I need a little bit of blood." Dr. Cullen asks.

"Ok." I say. I close my eyes and feel something lightly stab my finger.

"Done." He says. He has a little syringe full of blood. He puts a band aid on it and walks out and Jasper walks back in.

"How's your history project going?" I ask.

"It's going fairly well, I'm only trying to put in my childhood and some parts from high school. Nobody needs to know that I'm 176 years old though, so I'm leaving out some details." He says.

"That's cool. I'm probably just gonna put some little details that I remember from my childhood and put in some things from high school." I say.

Dr. Cullen walks back in. I grab Jasper's hand. I trust Dr. Cullen but doctors freak me out sometimes.

"I got the results. Would you like to look at them in private for a few minutes?" He asks. "I found some things in your history too. I put them in the paper."

"Yeah." I say. He hand me the papers and him and Jasper walk out.

I slowly open the papers.

Mother: Bethany Whitlock.
Father: George Shaffer.

I have my mothers last name. Not my father's last name. I don't think they had a good relationship.

1844- Twins

Twins- Jasper and Elizabeth Whitlock.

There is also a newspaper article inside.

Elizabeth Whitlock Dead

Elizabeth Whitlock was found dead in a rattlesnake pit yesterday afternoon by her twin Jasper.

There is a picture of Jasper and I.

Jasper, my twin looks just like Jasper here with me. Is Jasper here my twin?

I just started watching the Vampire Diaries and it is amazing!!!!

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