The Accident (Ch.3)

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I have been going to school for a week and those vampire kids still stare at me when I walk by. I talk to Jasper sometimes but that's the only person I talk to.

I am in biology and the teacher calls on me. I didn't raise my hand.

"Ms.Williams, what is the answer to number 5?" The teacher asks.

"Ummm, that is the gizzard." I say. We are studying worms.

"Good job." The teacher says. He keeps teaching.

I look at the clock. 2 minutes to go. I want to go home and hunt. I am starving.

The bell rings and I rush out of class. I get on my bike and start pedaling really fast out of the parking lot.

I look behind me for a split second and I hit someone's car. I bash my head against the hard door of the car and I fall off my bike. My ears stat ringing. People start surrounding me. Everything goes black.


I am in the desert.

"1,2,3,4..." a boy is standing in the distance. He looks about 10 years old. I can see his back. I am a little girl. About the same age. I hide in a little dirt hole.

"Ready or not, here I come!!" The boy says.

I look next to me in the hole and there is a rattlesnake next to me. I scream.

"Ellie?" The boy asks.

The snake bites me. The boy appears next to me.

"Ellie?! Look at me!!" The boy says. Everything gets dizzy.

I wake up in a hospital bed. There is a huge bandage around my head. My head hurts really bad.

I groan at the pain and a doctor walks in.

"Hello, I am Dr.Cullen. What is your name?" The guy asks.

"I'm Elizabeth Williams." I say.

"Do you remember what happened?" The doctor asks.

"If you think I have memory loss, I don't, my head just really hurts." I say.

"Ok." Dr. Cullen says.

"When do I get out of here?" I ask.

"You can leave when you are ready." The doctor says.

"I'm ready." I say. I walk out. The doctor doesn't follow me. I am already at my cabin by the time I am in the woods. I ran super quick. I sit in my chair and my head aches. I take some pills for it and I fall asleep.


I crawl out of a grave. I look about 17 years old.

"Hey, you've been down there for a while." Someone says.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I saved you. From the rattlesnake 7 years ago. You see, I am a vampire and I can turn invisible. I injected a little venom into you and it took 7 years for it to finally go in your system." The vampire says.

"I don't understand." I say. "I can't remember the rattlesnake."

"You must've lost some memory, you got bit by a rattlesnake when you were 10 and I bit you, it took 7 years for the change to finish." The vampire says.

I wake up again. After I hit my head, I have memories as dreams. Is all of this true? It seems so real.

I head to school after eating.

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