159 (lore drop?)

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Scotland: *Casually exists*

England: *Bitchslaps him*

Scotland: WTF DID I DO???!


(So, basically, me and my friend were having this dumb crack rp where Lando also leaves the EU, cos... 'Following in Papa's footsteps' apparently, so while abusive husband Germany declares war on him and blah blah blah, my friend suddenly said "Dont you ever wonder why France is so bland and is so neutral about everything?"

THEN WE BRAINSTORMED INTO THE NIGHT WHICH SPIRALLED OUT OF CONTROL AS PER USUAL--- We've been talking about A LOT of things, and are still figuring out some bits and pieces (cos we literally don't even know our own AU, which is why we always question about it and make a crap ton of theories lmao), but the gist of it is that Britain managed to somehow got his hands on the spell book that brought him to life (have I ever mentioned that Britain is not real, or did I just mention about him being the backbone of the universe for bringing everyone to life? i am not sure anymore), people die, and thus he reincarnates them and makes, basically, a clone of that person who died. But the thing is, they're not the same as they were before. Not only because they're just copies of the deceased, but because of Britain not knowing them fully. 

Britain is an idiot. From the 100+ chapters, I'm sure ya'll can already clearly see that. Being the idiot Britain is, he often doesn't pay attention to the details about others. He always acts like a child who is quite ignorant about the world but still cares for it nonetheless. Thus, the clones becoming more and more bland, as my friend mentioned about France. All Britain really remembers truly about France is "Happy and caring wife who likes baguettes" and thus that's how her clone is. She's nothing more and nothing less. Nazi is suddenly good in this AU (no I'm not a nazist nor condoning what they've did) cos of the sus history of the British being fond of the Nazis and even sympathizing with them. He's just another clone made in the image of how Britain thinks and feels about Nazi. And so and so forth with everyone else.

America is the only one who has actual character depth aside from his dad, cos not only cos he's the first born but also cos he's the first one that truly traumatized Britain about people dying around him and is the first to be reincarnated in such a way. Why is Ame a narcissist? Britain spoiled him. In this AU, Ame actually died from the revolution, but since Britain didn't actually want to straight up kill him, ( *cough* taking inspiration from Hetalia where that Britain surrendered himself and ended up crying because he loved his Ame and just wanted to continue being his family *cough* ) he decided to revive Ame, and thought that it'd be best to spoil him, turn him into a narcissist, and have him thinking he's a hero and all that jazz. It's canon that Britain didn't want to be an empire anyway. He was conceived to be one, so he just forced himself to roll with it. But obviously, as it seems, when an enemy dies, Brit's gonna pretend that never happened and continue living in his happy world where everyone is alive and well, and nothing totally went wrong.

Now what does this have to do with the meme? Well, we began thinking about what this means by his 'parents'. Scotland and England agreed to work this magic to make Britain, so now Britain is screwing with essentially the same magic, then surely Scotland and England would at least have heard of this, right? Well, you see, we were getting really tired and already having massive headaches about the lore of the AU expanding even more, so we kinda dozed off on this one. But basically, what we've kinda thought of is that England's letting him keep some people to keep the world economy going and so the three of them wont go absolutely insane for being the only people on Earth, but at the same time..... I kinda forgot about our speculations about England cos I was just so tired too, but she said that since England is an enigma in the AU, perhaps his objectives have changed over the course of centuries of Britain doing this and carrying the weight of the world. 

And as for Scotland...

Yeah, Scotland's just existing peacefully.

Scotland was always the 'fun dad' between the two. Britain loved Scotland, and Scotland loved him. But since England is the big bad of this whole thing, of course, he just had to take Britain away, gaslight, and gatekeep him... So they don't get to bond a lot. We're still figuring out how Scotland would play in this. Like, does he care? Does he oppose to this? Is he siding with Britain? Is he still annoyed with England using him like the overworked slave he is? Or what?

Tl;dr Britain is the backbone of the Earth, revives everyone to keep the world economy going, Scotland is silent and neutral about all of this, and England is the big bad that we all just happen to hate and is the bane of everyone's existence.

sorry england )

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