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Axis!Britain (basically alternate history sub-AU thing): *Pointing a gun at France* You call me a shorty again and I'll shoot you!

France, laughing: Shorty~

Axis!Britain: THATS IT— IM GONNA— *Gun just goes click click cos it aint loaded*



Also Axis!Britain: Hah! I-I definitely got you there! Look at how scared you were! Of course I knew it wasn't loaded! *Actually thought it definitely was loaded*

(If anybody remembers that one chapter where I shared a screenshot from a Roblox countryball game where Britain was pointing a rifle at France saying "Join the Axis or surrender" we ended up being like "Yeah, why not. Lets rp Alternate History meeting Future Canon"  so we did and too many crack things happened, but then we also got more lore:

- The classics are way taller than everyone. No matter who you are, whatever AU you're from, they're a skyscraper taller than you.... Except for Britain. He's still the shortest, even in Asian standards. Lets say England just got really lazy reanimating him and made him shorter over time xD

- Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy are kinda Khloen's weird and funky grand-uncles who also act as his babysitters cos Nazi will yeet them to the sun if they dont take care of the child

- Britain will forever be a child in an adult's body. Bro Axis!Britain really just went from ultimate edgelord whos giving Sasuke a run for his money to just exactly like classic but with a WW2 uniform and always cowering to Nazi. Each time my guy gets bullied, he just runs to him and is like "Bro why cant we go home already. I hate it here. They're exposing all my weaknesses and its killing me inside, homie"

-Every Britain, no matter how edgy they are, just belittle them for at least 5 minutes and he'll start breaking )

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