Rough Morning - Loki POV

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I listened intently as Y/N paced around her room. She was trying every door, every window, obviously looking for a way out. Not that she would find one. They were always locked into their rooms for the first few days just to keep them safe and allow them to adjust. Plus, Stark doesn't trust anyone not to snoop in his lab and play with his equipment.

The walls are thin enough here for me to even hear her breathing, or perhaps that's just because I can hear much better than most mortals. Her footsteps have stopped now, and her breathing has slowed. Perhaps she is trying to go to sleep, but her heart rate has picked up slightly. I can hear her hand rub across her skin, her fingers gliding through her hair. She sounds – restless.

I am very tempted to look into her mind as I lay here on my bed. My headboard is against the wall connecting to her room. It would be so easy to slip inside her mind. Her heart rate has dropped, and her breathing is steady – she is asleep now, peaceful. She must have been tired after the events of today and what ever had happened to her before she arrived here for her to fall asleep so quickly. I need to try and get some sleep myself as I want to rise early to make her something to eat, something familiar.

As I slept, I started to dream of her, what I wanted to do to her, with her, what I wanted her to feel, what we would be together. 

I think I might have accidently entered her mind as I slept. That is quite irregular for me to do. In fact, I can't even think of a time that has happened unconsciously on my part. I might have done it on purpose countless times whilst others slept, but never whilst I was asleep myself. Perhaps sleeping was not a good idea. At least I didn't have any of my regular night-time terrors invading my dreams. One of the reasons I barely sleep.

I have decided to make her dagmall, a traditional Viking breakfast. I may not be able to forage for the berries myself or churn fresh milk to make buttermilk, but I can conjure them. I just hope she likes it.

I feel, nervous as I placed the tray down outside her door. She sounds like she may still be asleep. It is well past sunrise. She must have been extremely tired to still be sleeping.

Using some easy magic, I have unlocked her door but, then I hesitated with my hand raised in a clenched fist, ready to knock on her door and sighed. Maybe this isn't such a good idea.

No, she will be hungry and would probably appreciate something comforting instead of that vile dish they served her yesterday. Mortals have no culture when it comes to food. No wonder Thor likes it here.

Before I can stop myself again, I've knocked gently on her door.

Shit! – it sounds like she jumped up from the floor. I can hear her walking to the door, but she's stopped next to it. She must have her ear to the door, listening, I can hear her breath against it. Why is my heart beating so fast? I swallow before I leaned closer to the door and whispered through it.

"Y/N? If you are hungry, I have left you some food outside of your door"

Her heart is beating faster than mine. She's grabbed the door handle. Damn it!

Before I realise what I've done, I've teleported back into my room like a scared little boy. What is wrong with me? I am a God! Not some timorous, love-struck teenager. This woman is going to be the death of me, I can feel it.

And why am I standing pressing my ear to the wall?

She's mixing the berries with the porridge; I can hear the wooden spoon scraping against the bowl as she empty's the contents into the other. She's eating it. She's eating it. Why does that make me so happy? I'm evening smiling. Pull yourself together Loki!

Wait. Somethings wrong. She's coughing. Now she's... Fuck.

I jump back from the wall as the pottery and glass smash against it. I feel as though the wall wasn't there and the shards have just struck me in the chest. She doesn't trust me, of course she's not going to trust the food I leave for her. I am such a fool.

I take a bath to try and clear my head, to soak away the ache in my chest, but all I can focus on is her. Her breathing. I do not think she has moved since she threw the food against the wall. I have had to warm the water twice for my bath. 

Wait. She's moving now, back towards the door. I quickly jump up out of the bath, dry and dress myself with magic before I silently head to my door and put my ear against it. She's walking past, almost hurriedly. I forgot to lock her door again.

Before I know what I am doing, I'm already out of my door and following her, making sure to stay invisible. I don't want to fright her, but I cannot seem to help myself from going after her.


She sounded so at easy with them after just a few hours. How can it be that easy for them to connect with her? How was she so comfortable around them?

I headed back to my room before she was going to leave the others in the dining room. Thor seemed to know I was there as he kept constantly looking over his shoulder at me. At least he didn't say anything to alert the others to my presence. All those years of playing pranks as a child on him, he has picked up a sixth sense as to where I am, especially when I am not fully focused on the task of remaining fully hidden. I was, distracted as I watched her with them. 

She is coming past my door again, but she has stopped outside of hers. I quickly shut the door with a flick of my wrist. I don't want her to think I was waiting for her to return to her room.

She's in her room again now. She's heading into her bathroom. I can hear her feet padding across the floor. The water has been turned on in her shower. She's removing her...

I need to stop this. I need to get out of this room. She's driving me insane.

I've headed up to the balcony to get some air. I feel claustrophobic in my room currently. I can't seem to get away from her. She's wrapping herself around my mind to the point I cannot focus on anything else. This is not good. This is really not good. 

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