Panic - Loki

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Author Note
Trigger Warning
Graphic depictions of injury and blood

If you are of a sensitive nature, please don't read.

And if you do, thank you for reading so far

"Out of my way!" I screamed as I knocked a doctor from hovering over her lifeless body as she lay on a metal table. The scalpel he had been holding clanged against the cold hard floor as it spun and skidded across the room.

The room was flooded with beeping and buzzing noises, people shouting incoherent things at me as I scanned over her, looking for any signs of life. The bright lights above her were illuminating her pale skin as I cast a shadow across her. Her chest rose and fell in slow labouring breaths, her life flowing from her before my eyes as her heart strained to pump what little blood she had left.

I saw the blood-soaked gauze packed and stuffed into a wound over her hip. The blueish, red colour of her skin around it and swelling of her stomach from the internal bleeding. The endless wires connecting her to machines monitoring her, the bags of fluid and blood pumping into her, but nothing was really helping. She was still slipping away, just like the blood from her veins. As fast as they were trying to get it in her, the faster it poured out.

She felt cold and clammy as my hands skimmed across her abdomen. She looked almost dead, her face drained of colour as I looked at her, willing her eyes to open, willing them just to flicker. The veins in her hands, sunken and unyielding.

The incessant beeping and whirring of screams rang in my ears as I stared down at her.

A nurse and doctor started pulling on my clothes trying to prize me from her. It did nothing, I remained unmoving as I focused my mind on what I needed to do. The floor became my quicksand, holding me in place - nothing was going to be able to move me, not even Odin himself could pull me away.

I took a deep breath and ripped the gauze from the wound, coating my hands in her blood. The crimson liquid sprayed across the floor as the gauze hit it with a plopping sound after I dropped it.

Blood rose out of the wound like lava from an oozing fracture of a volcano and started trickling down her side on to the table, on to the floor and my boots. More noises and bleeping started as doctors screamed at me to move. Tearing at my clothes to pull me away.

"She's crashing!"

"You're killing her!" the nurse shouted at me as she tried to push me away.

Her body completely stilled, eerily so. Her hand slumped from the table, hanging like a low heavy branch of a tree. A body was never meant to be that still. It looked odd, as if she were a glorious marble statue carved from the finest stone, perfect and beautiful, caught in a moment of time.

I didn't have much time left before she would leave this world and travel to the next.

I placed one hand on her forehead, keeping her in her body, forcing her to stay and hovered the other over the wound. I looked at her closed eyes one last time before I focused on the wound and plunged my index and middle finger into it.

It made a squelching sound as her body jolted and her back arched off the table. A silent scream left her mouth as I poured my magic into her, and she gasped for air; that blasted tube down her throat not helping. I moved my hand from her forehead and pulled it out of her mouth before I placed my palm on her chest above her heart, easing her back on to the table. I could feel the reassuring thumping of it under my touch, the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed once again. Her eyes fluttered, but I kept her unconscious, this was going to hurt as I healed her.

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