Fresh Air - Loki

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Author Note

18+ Chapter

This chapter contains sexual content.
If you are of a sensitive disposition, please don't read it
You have been warned

We sat and talked for hours. It's the longest I have ever spoken to anyone about anything. I told her about my childhood, about what had happened when I found out who I truly was.
She sat and listened to everything, every little detail she absorbed. She asked questions about Odin, about Frigga, about Thor. She wanted to know everything. She wanted to know how I felt.

Being truly honest with someone about my past was - liberating.

Being given that time to express how I felt, how I had perceived everything made me start to feel better about myself.

Y/N was never condescending, never critical of my choices. She understood why I had acted as I had with my jealousy and anger. She understood why I was ashamed of my true self and didn't shy away from me as so many had before. They feared me - she didn't - she was drawn to me - she wanted to know the real Loki underneath all my bravado.

It made me love her more - I see it now - I truly love her - As I breathe her in, feeling her against me, I would do anything for her - I have given her my heart and soul. I want her to be mine for all eternity.

She was sat cuddled into my side as we sat and watched the sunrise.


I turned to look at her as the sunlight bathed her in a warm glow. She looked up at me and smiled. I could get lost in her. She feels like home. For once in my life, I actually feel as though I am home when I look at her.


I brush her hair from her face and cupped her cheek.

"Thank you"

She smiled before her face changed. Her lips parted and her pupils dilated. I could hear her heart rate quicken, smell her arousal between her legs as she moved her leg over mine to straddle me.

I moved my hands to place them on her thighs, rubbing small circles across the fabric of her trousers.

She sighed before taking my face in her hands and speaking softly.

"Loki - I have one question that I have to know the answer to"

"Ask me anything and I will give you an honest answer"

She smiled slightly before a sadness filled her eyes.

"Did you hear my prayers? Did my sacrifices mean anything?"

I sighed and shook my head slowly.

"No.... No, I cannot hear prayers. I don't feel anything when mortals make sacrifices. It doesn't work that way Y/N. I'm sorry I did not help you. If I would have known..."

I trailed off, unable to finish my words. Truth be told, back then, with how I was, I doubt if I would have ever lifted a finger for any other, especially a mortal. I was young, selfish and impetuous. I only lived for my own gains and amusement.

Y/N furrowed her brows as she watched me. It almost looked as though she could read my mind.

"What if you could? Would you have helped?"

I sighed - here goes nothing...

"Back then? No... No, I probably wouldn't have. Mortal lives were inconsequential to me. They were merely toys to be played with and tormented. I wouldn't have helped you"

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