Panicked - Y/N

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After dinner, Odin had left to let us speak to Frigga alone about what she knew about mortals birthing a god's child. Odin had been surprisingly quiet for our dinner, which I thought was odd from what Loki had told me about him.

"It does not come without risk. You both should know this," she looked between the both of us with slight concern across her face.

"Is Y/N's life in danger mother?"

"I will not lie to either of you... Yes it is"

Loki stood quickly from his chair causing it to scrape across the floor and started to pace the room as I watched him walking back and forth. He looked frightened and panicked as he picked at his nails.

"You did the right thing to come here Loki. It will be best that you both stay here now at least until the child is born".

"But I feel fine... Everything just seems to be happening quicker, that's all," my voice was strained as I tried to comprehend what I was being told.

Loki stopped pacing and spun around to look at us both. His eyes had a look of terror flash across them as he looked at me before blinking and looking only at his mother with a desperation.

"Is it because I am a God that her life is in danger or because I am a frost giant?"

"Loki..." Frigga's voice was quiet as she spoke.

"Enough... I know just by the tone in your voice mother that it is the latter," his voice was full of bitterness and regret.


My voice was barely a whisper as he just stared at me, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, before he turned away from me.

"I shouldn't have been so selfish and wrapped up in River's visions. This is my fault! I am the monster that will kill my wife and probably my child"

His voice broke as a sobbed cry left his throat, my heart breaking for him as I watched him. He balled his fists, digging his nails into his palms before he stomped towards the doors letting a green ball of magic burst through the wood, shattering them completely as he stormed out.

"Loki! Loki wait!"

I stood quickly, calling out to him and trying to follow, but as I rushed to my feet, my head began to swim, a darkness washing around the edge of my eyes. I stumbled forward, but luckily Frigga was there in a second, catching me before I could fall. A pushing sensation in my stomach lurched up into my lungs, squeezing the air out from them, causing me to clutch my chest.

I slumped into Frigga further as she helped lower me to the floor and lay me down.

"I need assistance! Guards!" Frigga called out for help.

Her gentle voice and touch were the last thing I could sense before the darkness took hold of me fully.

I felt a deep regret, wishing it was Loki that I last saw standing over me and not his mother.


I awoke in a soft bed, covered in a white linen sheet, a thin white gown underneath covering my body. A bright yellow light was above me with what looked like an image of a body and a baby inside. Was it my image floating above me?

I turned my head to the side to see an older woman stood over me, dressed in a light blue smock, her brown hair pulled back from her face. Her hands playing with the image above me.

Her hands stilled as she looked down at me staring up at her. A small smile spread across her lips before she bowed her head and left me without saying a word.

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