Let's go - Y/N

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Author Note

18+ Chapter

This chapter contains violence and sexual content.
If you are of a sensitive disposition please don't read it - you have been warned

"He keeps watching me Natasha," I whispered to her as I sat opposite her in the common room.
Loki was watching me, again, from across the other side of the room. He seemed to be constantly there wherever I went. Since we had had our little conversation out on the balcony he had stayed away from me for a while, until about a week ago.

Wherever I went, he was there. I trained, he was there, I went to get food, he was there. I left my room, he was there in the corridor.
I was getting increasingly annoyed and frustrated with him. He would just keep glancing at me, never saying anything. I could feel his eyes tracking me across the room wherever I went.

Natasha leaned back sipping on her drink before she smiled at me.

"Oh? And why do you think that is?"

I didn't have a clue. I was not a mind reader. I just wanted him to stop it or at least talk to me without it being awkward. An idea sprang into my head. I would just do what I would back home.

"Maybe I should just... Fight him?"

"Errr... If you think that would help," Natasha said, shrugging her shoulders.


The next day I specifically got up earlier before dawn and went to the training room to prepare myself. I stretched quickly to make sure I wouldn't end up with an injury. After all, I was apparently planning on fighting a God.

The room was dark and only had a few side lights on to cast shadows across the floor as they reflected from the mirrored walls.
I waited patiently behind the door. They still wouldn't let me have a sword, so this was my only option, to use the element of surprise. I just hoped this would work.

I knew he would come soon. He seemed like he couldn't help himself, like a bird coming home to find it's mate. I knew he'd want - no - need to find me.

As the door opened and Loki entered the room he didn't see me hidden in the shadows. I shouted his name to cause him to spin and face me, surprised at where I was suddenly in front of him.

I slammed my palm up into his face, causing his neck to snap back and his body stumble backwards. He immediately drew his dagger from only Odin knows where and pointed it at me.

"What in the hel are you doing?" he shouted, "are you challenging me?"

I growled at him before I shouted back at him,


I started throwing whatever I can get my hands on at him. I could suddenly let all my aggression and tension out on him at once. I relished it. I grabbed weights, bars, even towels as I threw everything at him, smashing them against the mirrored walls. The shards of mirror fell to the floor casting strange light across the ceiling as I continued my tirade.

Loki managed to duck and miss everything I threw at him. He lurched forward and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to him so now we were chest to chest. He looked down at me with narrow lust filled eyes.

"You will lose if I accept," he growled at me, his voice husky as his grip losened.

I managed to twist my arm and get out of his grasp and slammed into him with my shoulder, grabbing one of his daggers in the process from his belt.

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