Seeking Dominance (Ava'Dara Naganandini, aka Warbird)

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"Hello, class" Peter Parker, dressed as his alter ego Spider-Man, was actually standing in front of his class in the X-Men Mansion. He was happy, a proud smile over his face as he remembered just how he and his students thwarted Sinister's plans against the mutants.

That day was supposed to be his last day in the institute. He was ready to leave, his promise to Logan about finding the mole that had been placed in the mansion being completed. But his students were very stubborn, even managing to convince Storm to keep him in the mansion as a teacher.

"Hello, professor!" Peter saw just how one of his students, Martha Johansson, talked telepathically with him and everyone in the classroom. Peter just smiled at her, looking at the levitating brain encapsulated in a bubble in his class. "Good to see you again!"

"As Martha said... We are happy to see you here in the classroom, professor..." Julian Keller, also known as Hellion, smiled slightly, which made Peter grateful for his six students. He knew that they were supposed to get one more student, to get the class maximum capacity of seven per group. So he was mostly there to do a review of already discussed material and to introduce the new student.

"Glad to be here..." Peter sighed, accommodating his mask a bit. He was getting ready, his hand moving through the pages of the book in his hand before stopping on a specific page, and placing the book on the table. "Now... I know that you all may be excited for what we have to discuss next" Peter smirked, hearing the groans of his students. It was pleasing to his ears. "But we have a-"

"Kid Gladiator requires no class!" Peter was already gaining a headache, glancing to the side as he watched Logan opening the door for a red haired kid and a white haired woman to enter the room. His lenses looked in confusion as he watched the woman standing behind the kid. "This is a classroom? My pet has a bigger room than this!"

"Please tell me that it's just for today..." Peter whispered to the man who was his brother in all but blood. But not hearing a response from Wolverine made him groan slightly. These upcoming days will make him grow white hair. "Why did I stay again?"

"Because I asked you to..." Peter rolled his eyes, watching just how the kid kept on doing his vocal rampage. He was ignoring everything, trying to focus on his more studious students before needing to deal with the alien that has invaded his classroom.

"Alright, everyone... I need you to open your books on-"

"Why do I have to read this useless book?!" Peter had a twitching brow behind his mask, almost glaring at the kid imitating Gladiator. All he wanted to do was give his class in peace. To get done with his day and probably do nothing but patrol New York for the rest of the day. But this kid was almost annoying him to the edge.

"Because I said so..." Peter glared at the alien, his lenses narrowing slightly. He even saw just how his remaining students moved their desks away from the new kid. Maybe it was because of his glare, but he could notice that the kid seemed to ignore him. "Now... Go to the page-"

"But what will any of this do to help me be better?!" Peter was on the verge of losing it. Maybe this was just how his villains felt when he made jokes of them. But he at least let his villains talk. He even stayed to hear the entire plan before he foiled it one way or another. "All I need is power and speed to be my enemies. And I already-"

"Shut. Up" It was all Peter said, his voice growling in anger thanks to the actions of the insufferable alien in front of him. He had it with the kid continuously interrupting him. He had a class to teach, and he would not allow no one to keep him from doing so. Though his eye stared at the bodyguard woman of the kid. "What?"

Ava'Dara Naganandini, also known as Warbird, just stood seriously in front of the one who was supposed to teach her prince. She was angry with how he acted against her prince, but she couldn't deny that Kid Gladiator kind of deserved it by this point. Though what interested her more was just how unafraid the arachnid was. It made her interested in her prince's teacher.

"You silenced my prince..." She glared at the hero, trying to see if he would back down. But to her surprise and excitement, the man just stepped forward. "With no hint of fear for angering him or myself..." His face was almost in front of her own, the lenses narrowed at her in focus. She was honestly getting quite excited, being someone who loved men who held her no fear. "Nor the retribution of the might of my emperor"

"And? What are you going to do-" He was immediately silenced, his eyes widening in shock. He didn't feel when her hands grabbed his mask and removed it up until his mouth just to kiss him. He was way too shocked that he didn't even react through the entire kiss.

"My room... tonight" She whispered, bringing the mask down to just how it was. She had her cheeks fully red, already imagining just what he may do to her. She walked right past the hero, only standing briefly right next to him before she kept on walking. "And bring the webs..."

"Professor?! Are you there?!" She chuckled slightly, a grin on her face as she walked away. She really couldn't wait until the night. And she hoped that he would go to her room in the mansion. Because if he missed the invitation, she was going to look for him and show him why he should have arrived. She was going to leave him unable to move after she was done doing what she wanted to do. And she would get her needs covered, even if she had to drag him away.

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